
289 17 12

Published: 5. November, 2023

With a deep breath, Hermione entered the office. The smell of tea and biscuits filled her nose, not something she would have expected from an office belonging to a Potions Master.

The old man seated at the desk looked up. "Ah yes, Miss Granger, was it?"

"Yes, sir," Hermione replied and approached his desk. The Potions Master gestured to a chair, into which she stiffly slid.

"Bernie Guillière," said the old wizard pleasantly. He picked up a binder and opened it before him. Hermione recognized her research notes and felt her stomach churn with nervousness.

"I was quite impressed with your background. War hero, graduating Hogwarts with top marks, passing your theoretical exams at the University of Paris with A's only- now the only thing left for you to do is your independent research to achieve your Potions Mastery."
Monsieur Guillière looked up. "You are aware that the the independent research takes up to 10 years to complete?"

"Yes, sir," Hermione nodded. "But that is why all Potions Masters are competent in their field."

Monsieur Guillière smiled. "Precisely. Now, the research notes you sent me are absolutely marvelous. They show me you have many project ideas- curing the aftereffects of the Cruciatus Curse, creating a potion that would enable Squibs to use magic- I was especially intrigued by your hypothesis that the Cyantree could play a vital role in curing Lycanthropy."

Hermione felt herself relax a little. So far, the application to become Monsieur Guillière's apprentice was going well.

"If it were up to me, I would hire you on the spot."

Hermione froze. That doesn't sound good.

"However, there is another Potions Master who insisted that he would be very interested in supervising your independent research. I know that with him, you'll be in exceptionally capable hands, which is why I arranged a meeting for you in an hour at Café Jaune."

Monsieur Guillière closed the binder. "You know him, his name is Professor Severus Snape."

Hermione felt herself gape. "Professor Snape?" she repeated faintly. Why on earth would he want to hire me as his assistant?

"No need to worry," Monsieur Gullière said, misinterpreting her pale face. "Professor Snape is the best Potions Master in the world. He might be strict, but you'll achieve great things with him."

Hermione wasn't worried about that. She could handle work. She was more worried about meeting a man who despised her for seven years, even more so after saving his life. He would make her life a living hell, if she decided to work with him.

She squared her shoulders. First, she had to see how the meeting with him would go.
"Thank you, sir," she said . "I will inform you in a few days of my decision."

Monsieur Guillière beamed at her. "Au revoir, Mademoiselle."


The café wasn't too hard to find. It was located in a Wizarding alley that brimmed with life. The smell of food filled the air, accompanied by music a man was playing with his accordion. Seated at one of the many tables for two, Hermione watched the pedestrians stroll by, deep in thought. Before her sat a small mug filled with Earl Grey, but she had forgotten entirely about it.

Working with Professor Snape on my independent research project would definitely help me get my foot in the door, she thought. Merlin knows muggleborns still don't get paid as well as half- and purebloods. Having his name on my resume would open many doors for me.
But that would mean spending at least ten years with the man. She frowned. Eight, if I work very hard. 

Did she want that? Hermione knew she could handle stress. She'd done it before. But she wasn't particularly keen on going through that again.

She tapped her chin in thought. I want to make a difference. That requires making though choices. This is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Drinking Earl Grey this late in the afternoon?" a baritone voice said.

Hermione looked up startled. Before her stood a wizard she almost wouldn't have recognized. Look, black hair- no longer greasy- was pulled back into a low ponytail. His skin was still a pale color, but no longer an unhealthy shade of grey. It seemed that he had gotten his teeth fixed because they were no longer crooked and yellow. Broad shoulders were clad in a long cloak.

"Professor Snape," she greeted him after regaining her composure. She stood up and offered her hand. He shook it firmly- his hand felt warm and strong.

"Miss Granger," he said and inclined his head. They both took a seat. "It has been awhile."

"Yes," Hermione agreed.

"I imagine you were surprised when Monsieur Guillière told you I wanted to hire you."

"Very," the witch confessed. "But I am grateful for the opportunity, sir."

An eyebrow wandered up. "That sounds like you already made up your mind. Typical Gryffindor. I expected to have to convince you."

Hermione couldn't stop her lips from curving into a light smile. "What can I say, I know an opportunity when I see one."

Professor Snape leaned back in his hair, his black eyes wandering over the alley that was filled with warm sunlight. Hermione watched him curiously. He seemed so- at ease. Not at all like the bitter person she remembered.

His eyes suddenly found hers. "Miss Granger, the reason I came here was because I am looking for a capable and intelligent witch or wizard to pass my knowledge on to. The Potions assistant needs to be disciplined, creative, and able to take a risk. I believe you are the perfect person for that position."

Hermione forced herself not to gape. She'd just received her first praise ever from Professor Snape.

"I would be honored to work with you, sir," she said, relieved that her voice didn't tremble from the excitement she felt.

Professor Snape tilted his head slightly and Hermione swore she saw his lips curve into a small smile.
"I shall send you a package with all the information you need within the following week," the wizard said. "I will be here for another three weeks. If you have questions, we can meet up in person to discuss them."

"Thank you, sir," said Hermione and shook Professor Snape's hand when he extended it. "I'm looking forward to it."

The wizard got up. "Have a pleasant rest of your day, Miss Granger." And with a billow of his robes, he strode down the alley in his typical Snape-fashion.

Baffled, Hermione stared after him. Had that really been Professor Snape?


From afar in the shadows, Severus watched how Hermione finished her cold tea and then resumed to read a book she pulled from her bag.

He'd suspected that she wouldn't remember. Neither of his colleagues did. At first, he had been disappointed. She didn't remember the memories they'd made together.

But soon, Severus had realized that the faery had given them all another chance. No one would have to suffer through eight years of loneliness. They were all free.

And he was free to make new memories with the witch he'd fallen in love with.

Severus smiled slightly.

Finished! Thank you so much for bearing with me! ❤️️
I can't beleaf it took me this long, but lettuce forget that and move on (I love plant puns).
Have a good day!

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