
191 15 10

Published: 29. October, 2023

In the days following Christmas, the castle- Hogwarts- was filled with a thrumming energy that came from its happy inhabitants. Everyone who'd been cursed believed that it was a sign that Hermione could remember some things from her past- and that they could finally use their real names. The curse wouldn't allow them to talk to Hermione about her school years or about anything major really that had happened at Hogwarts before the curse. But it was a start. A small glimmer of hope after a long time of isolation from the outside world.
And everyone thought that Hermione was the one destined to save them.

Everyone...except for the Beast.

Now, he couldn't deny that Hermione had become a close friend the past months. And he couldn't deny the attraction he felt to the witch either.

She was intelligent. Their discussions ranging from Potions to anything else were something he no longer wanted to miss. Her companionship had made him realize that while he had grown accustomed to being alone, Hermione's warmth made the loneliness more bearable. With her, he didn't feel alone.

She was brave. She'd insisted on healing him despite his attack on her, despite his threats. The Beast couldn't think of any other witch that would have done that.

And she was loyal, so very loyal to the ones she held dear. And he was fortunate to be one of them.

The only problem was- him.

He was a beast, inside and out. He'd done terrible things in the past- followed Voldemort, betrayed Lily, tortured and killed people (not because he took pleasure in it, but because he had no choice)- and now even condemned an entire castle to live for eternity as a teacup or whatever. What kind of a witch would want him?

Hermione, a voice whispered and his stomach twisted at the sudden surge of hope.
But then he glanced at the reflection in the broken mirror of his chamber. 

A beast stared back.


"Severus?" a soft voice called out. "Are you in here?"

He gave no reply and continued sweeping the broken glass away. It was time to get his chambers back in order. The Beast was deliberately ignoring the fact that the sole purpose of cleaning his chambers was to avoid a certain witch.

The door to his bedroom creaked open.

"There you are," said Hermione, sounding relieved. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

The Beast grunted and gripped the broom tighter, feeling it bend beneath his claws.

Hermione stepped closer, shards of glass breaking beneath her shoes. "Hey, what's the matter?" she said quietly. He felt a warm hand touch his arm. "Is something wrong?"

The Beast turned away, feeling her hand slide away. A part of him knew he was acting childish. But he had no intention of giving himself any hope.

The witch that had been haunting his thoughts rounded him and stopped in front of him, glancing up at his face in concern.
"Okay, spill Severus. What's the matter?"

When his eyes met her warm brown ones, the ones that seemed to hold the sunshine from a warm autumn day, he knew he just had to be honest and get it over with.

"Hermione," he started, then paused.

"Yes?" she said when he remained silent.

The Beast gripped the broom tighter and kept his eyes locked on hers. "I think I need some time for me, for a while at least." Every word tasted like vinegar in his mouth.

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