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"You're name's Se-"
Hermione stared at him surprised. So it had been him the objects had talked about when she'd been eavesdropping. Wait- hadn't she heard that name somewhere before? Years ago?

The Beast himself was feeling quite stunned as well. The entire time when he'd been near Miss Granger, he hadn't been able to say his true name.

Until now.

Is the curse wearing off?

The Beast glanced down at his hands. Black and furry.

But how was this possible?

"I'm pretty sure I've heard your name before," Granger's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "I just can't put my finger on it-"
She gave him a warm smile. "Well then, thank you again, Severus, for the meal."

It felt a little strange to hear her say his first name. But not unpleasant.

"You're welcome," the Beast said quietly.

Hermione looked out through the windows and had to smile to herself. She had no idea how it had happened, but somehow ... she started to see something in the Beast she hadn't before. No, not the Beast. Severus.
A warm feeling spread in her stomach. But perhaps that was just the dessert.

"What do you do in the evenings?" she asked to break the silence, while her eyes wandered across the night sky. "Do you read or-"
She shrugged and turned her head to look at the Beast.

He cocked his head slightly, appearing as if his thoughts were still far away. Then he answered.
"I used to brew," the Beast said hesitantly. "And as you know, I read Potions and Herbology books. Most of the time I go outside."

His dark eyes found hers, as if silently waiting for her to continue.

"I like to read too," said Hermione and leaned back into her chair. "When my head is too full, I like taking walks ... one of my friends even tried to teach me how to dance."
She chuckled slightly, suddenly saddened by the memory of Ron. He had had his moments where she'd wanted to punch him, but still ... Hermione missed Ron.

A sound of a chair sliding back made her look up. Hermione blinked and saw that the Beast approached her. He stopped before her and extended a hand.

Hermione looked at him, puzzled.

"You want to learn to dance or not?" said the Beast and raised his eyebrow.

"Wha- now?" said Hermione surprised. She laughed awkwardly. "I'm terrible. I've got two left feet."

"Now that is quite new. Is Hermione Granger backing away from a challenge?"

Hermione narrowed her eyes and took the Beast's hand, who pulled her out of her chair. She stared determinedly into his eyes.

The Beast's lips quirked upward. His grip tightened slightly around her hand and then he pulled her away from the table.

Candles suddenly lit up on the walls, bathing the entire hall in a warm glow. Hermione saw out of the corner of her eye how walking hatstands moved the table away. She suddenly noticed that the floor was made of golden-painted marble and felt as if she were in a fairytale ballroom.

The Beast turned to face her, making Hermione realize once more how tall he was compared to her. He carefully put the other hand on her waist, while Hermione stared up unsurely.

"Er-," she said, looking at the Beast's shoulder. How was she supposed to reach it?
"You're pretty tall, Severus."

A deep rumble vibrated in his chest and she realized he was laughing.
"You can put your hand on my arm."

Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now