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Trigger warning on this whole story. Starts on a Monday.

I walked into school, pulling at my sleeves. I instantly saw Patrick Stump. He was surrounded by girls. Patrick was the leader of Bible study at our school. We go to a private school . Guys have to wear black pants and a white polo. We could wear jackets if we wanted.

I always wore one. I self harm so I have to. People are judgmental. I have one friend. Brendon Urie. He knows I'm gay. He's bisexual and has a girlfriend, Sarah. They've been together for a month.

"Peter!" A familiar voice yelled. I turned back and saw Brendon. He ran over and hugged me. I hugged back and he smiled.

"Hey Brendon." I mumbled. He pouted at me and I chuckled. "What's up?"

"Nothing. Guess what Frank and Gerard did?" He was the gossip queen. He had all the gossip.


"They fucked. In a classroom." He whispered as we walked to our lockers. "I walked in on them and said I wouldn't tell anyone. They knew I was going to tell you because you're my best friend."

"That's cool, Brendon. How are you and Sarah?"

"Eh. Since she's a cheerleader, guys are crawling all over her. Half the time she doesn't wanna be seen with me. She doesn't like you, but I'm not giving up my best friend for some girl."

"Thanks, Bren."

"No problem. So, how's Patrick?"

"He's not my boyfriend, Bren. He would never date me. I'm the emo of the school. He's Mr. Popular. Girls throw themselves at him. He can have any girl in the school. Why would he choose me? A guy."

"He'll come around, Pete."

"No he won't. I'm not gonna give myself false hope. He is straight as a pole. I'm just another hopeless dreamer."

"Pete. I need to see you." Mr. Leigh said, Patrick by his side.

"Okay." I sent Bren a confused look and he shrugged. I followed Mr. Leigh to his classroom and he shut the door.

"Pete, your doing extremely well in this class. Patrick, on the other hand, isn't. He needs a tutor. Your his tutor."

"What?! No! That's social suicide. I don't wanna be seen with the emo!" Patrick objected.

"Patrick, that is not how you talk to a fellow peer."

"Peer?! He's not a person. He's just here." He yelled. I felt something go down my cheek. I was crying. "See? He's crying. The little emo is gonna run home and cry to his mum."

I just left. I walked out and the halls were empty. I ran to an abandoned hallway that no one went to. I slid down the wall and pulled my knees to my chest. I cried into my black skinny jeans.

I guess I was wrong about him. Forget about the nice stuff I said about him in the description. He's an asshole. I grabbed my discarded bag and started going through it. I found my other friend. My blade. I pulled my phone out and started listening to music. Don't You Dare Forget a The Sun by Get Scared came on.

"I know you're laying back, contemplating your own death. Just look at what you've done. Don't you dare forget the sun love."

I looked at the shiny piece of metal and rolled my sleeve up. "If you cut vertical, they can't stitch it." Someone said. I jumped back and looked in front of me. Patrick.

"How do you even know that?"

"My mum is a doctor. Duh." He answered. "The emo does cut." He pulled his phone out and did something. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out.

In My Wildest Dreams-BoyXBoyWhere stories live. Discover now