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Patrick's POV


I walked into my church's sanctuary and sat in the back, where I usually do. I saw homosexuality on the wall. They had a projector. Everyone settled down and I listened.

"Homosexuality is a SIN! Two men are not supposed to be together. Two women are not supposed to be together. Being gay is like being friends with Satan. That is the worst sin you can commit. The bible says love is to be between a female and a male." Pastor Ken said. I took my phone out and texted Pete, asking him to pick me up.

He said yes and I got up. I slipped outside as they prayed. I got in Pete's car and we drove off. We went to his house and inside. I pulled him into a hug as we got there.

"What's wrong, Trick?"

"I couldn't stay in church. They were talking about homosexuality." I whispered.

"It's okay, Patrick." He kissed my head. "I want you to be my boyfriend."

"Of course." I replied. I lifted my head and kissed him. He kissed back and held me close. I put my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair. He pulled back a couple minutes later.

"How is this gonna work?" He whispered.

"I don't wanna be public. I'm sorry."

"I understand, Trick." He interrupted.

"We can do stuff here. Brendon can know."

"Thanks." I just kissed his cheek and he chuckled. We sat on the couch and I cuddled into him. "So, what are you?"

"Bi." I replied. He smiled and kissed my nose. I giggled and blushed. He moved the hair from my face and looked into my eyes. I gazed into his and he put his hand on the small of my back.

"Sorry to ruin the moment, but I need to know what I can't do." He said.

"Um, nothing sexual. That's about it." I answered.

"Is this okay?" He moved his hand to my ass.

"Yeah. That's fine. As long as you don't touch, yeah." It was kinda awkward now.

"I know. Mr. Christian." He teased.

"Leave me alone." He pulled me into his lap. I chuckled and put my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back.

"Never." He whispered.

"Pete!" Someone yelled. I tried to move but he kept me in place. Brendon walked into the room and squealed. "I knew my plan would work."

"Plan?" I asked.

"Step one: Seven minutes in heaven with Pete. Step two: Make you kiss. Willingly or by force. Step three: Let Patrick question his sexuality. Step four: Pete and Patrick become a couple."

"He's always this insane." Pete added.

"Yeah. I figured that." I mumbled. Pete chuckled and kissed my head. I laid my head on his chest.

"Oh my gosh. So cute! Who asked who?"

"Pete asked me."

"I told you you could do it." Brendon sat beside us and started asking questions.

"BREN! Calm your dick." Pete said after five minutes of his rambling.

"Woah. When did you start your man period?" He teased. Pete shot Bren a look. "Go get yourself off or something. Get a vibrator."

"I'm not a bottom." He defended. What the fuck are they talking about?

"Patrick is so clueless." Bren pointed out. I blushed and Pete chuckled.

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