Seven Minutes In Heaven

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Pete's POV-Wednesday After School

I laid in my bed, scrolling through Tumblr. "I think I'm gonna ask Ryan out." Brendon said randomly. He was right beside me, looking through his Instagram. "I mean, look at this face. He's beautiful."

"Go for it." I replied.


"What do you mean how?"

"How do I ask him out?"

"Call him and ask him on a date this Friday." I replied.

"Can you drop me off?"

"I have to tutor Patrick." I replied. He groaned and laid his head on my shoulder. He dialled Ryan's number and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" He asked after he answered.

"Hey, Ryan. It's Brendon."

"O-oh. H-ey Brendon." He stuttered.

"Do you wanna go on a date with me on Friday?" Brendon asked.

"Of course!" He exclaimed and then cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah. Sounds good."

"I'll pick you up at six. Okay?"

"Yeah. I'll see you then."

"Bye, Ryan." Brendon hung up and I chuckled. "He's probably so jealous of you."

"Well, you'll always be my best friend. No matter who comes and who goes." I replied.

"What days do you tutor Patrick?"

"Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday." I answered.

"Ugh. He's stealing my best friend."

"No. Not really." I smiled and played with his hair.

"We are such faggots." He mumbled. I chuckled.

"Yeah. I'm crushing on a guy that will never date me. Now I know why they call it a crush." I replied. He chuckled.

"You'll get him. Don't worry." Bren flashed his teeth.

"They'll blind me if I look to long." I replied, closing my eyes. He chuckled and sat up.

"When are your parents coming home?"

"I don't know. I haven't talked to them in months. It's just a hi and then they're gone."

"At least you can bring Patrick back here and you know." He nudged my shoulder, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I can let you use this place. With Ryan. Bring him here on Friday and fuck his brains out."

"I don't fuck on the first date. That's why I'm still a virgin."

"True." I looked at him. "Wait! You're a virgin?!" I yelled. He nodded slowly.

"I would've told you if I had sex." He replied.

"Yeah. You do tell me everything."

"Your phone is buzzing." I grabbed it and picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey. I want you to come to my party tonight. Everyone will be there." Patrick's voice flooded my ears. I smiled and blushed.

"I'll be there." I replied.

"Okay. See you later Pete." I hung up.

"Gossip now."

"Patrick broke up with his girlfriend yesterday. He's having a huge party tonight-"

"And we're going." I replied. I jumped up and pulled some decent party clothes on.

"We need to go by mine. I need to change."

"Nope." I replied. I tossed him his clothes he left here. "Your party attire."

"Thank the Lord." He replied, wiping invisible sweat from his forehead. I chuckled and fixed my hair. He pushed me aside and fixed his hair. I chuckled and grabbed my phone.

We ate dinner and left. It was half nine when we left. The party was in full swing. We walked in and someone came over. Ryan Ross whisked Brendon away. I started looking around and exploring. I found a room where no one was and shut the door. I turned the light on and saw music. Not just any music. Post Hardcore music, also known as Heaven. Guitars lined the wall. There was a piano there too.

I quickly left and went upstairs. I opened a door and saw people playing truth or dare. Patrick, Brendon, and Ryan being some of those people. I joined in, sitting beside Patrick. Half of these people were drunk as fuck. Brendon had a bottle of vodka in front of him. Ryan was on his lap.

"Glad you could make it." He whispered.

"Yo! Patrick. Truth or dare?!" Brendon yelled.

"Dare." He replied confidentially.

"Seven minutes in heaven. With Pete." We got up and went to the next room. Brendon winked at me and pulled the door shut. We sat on the bed and Patrick looked at me.

"Kiss me." He demanded.

"What?" I asked.

"Kiss me." He repeated.

I pulled him close and kissed him. I have kissed many boys, not to sound like a slut. This was special. My stomach was doing flips and my feels exploded. I pinned him down and straddled his waist. He tried to move his hands, but I held them in place.

"Pete." He moaned quietly. I kissed him harder and he pulled back. His eyes widened and he pushed me away. I fell on the floor with a thud and he ran out the other door.

I walked out and into the room. "Sorry Ryan." I said. I grabbed Brendon by his hair and pulled him out of the room.

"What the hell dude?!" He yelled.

"You don't do that." I whisper-yelled. "I kissed him and then he pushed me off. He ran out of the room."

"One step closer. What else happened?" I started describing everything to him. "He likes you."

"He's straight." I replied. "I'm leaving. Come with me or get a ride from your boy toy."

"I'll go with option two." He whispered. "I was about to get a lap dance."

"Have fun." I whispered. He hugged me and I left. I started walking home, thinking.

Why would he ask me to kiss him and them push me away? Does he hate me now? Will he go back to making my life hell? Will he ignore everything? Will he question his sexuality? But the biggest question was: Did he feel the same spark I did?

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