Centuries PT 2

285 9 10

Thank CollideWithTheKellin for the dirty smut. And the Uma Thurman Video. (Papa)

Bronx and Declan went home with Joe and Andy. We were currently making out on the couch. Patrick was straddling my waist and gripping my shirt. I had my arms around his waist. He kissed me roughly from above and started rolling his hips into mine.

"Mmmm. Patrick." I moaned. He moved his lips to my neck and I tilted my head, giving him more access. He found my soft spot and left a mark. I pulled his shirt off and rubbed his stomach.

Patrick pulled my shirt off and I unbuttoned his jeans. I pulled them off of him and he put his fingers through the belt loop things. He pulled my hips up and I held them there. He pulled my jeans down and got on the floor. He pulled my boxers off and grabbed my erect dick. He licked it from base to tip. I moaned and let my hips fall.

He sucked my tip and looked up at me with innocent eyes. "Fuck, Patty." I moaned. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he took more of me in his mouth. He is a fucking expert with his mouth. His teeth grazed over my dick lightly as he bobbed his head. He knew I loved that. I moaned and bucked my hips.

I felt my dick hit the back of my throat and he moaned, sending vibrations to my dick. "Patrick , I'm gonna come." I warned. He pulled off.

"Can't have that happening without you getting inside me, huh, daddy?"

"Nope. Cmon." I patted my lap and he smiled. It wasn't common for Patrick to ride me, but when he did, it was fucking amazing. I only let him do it when he begs, or when I'm too lazy.

He got on my lap and I positioned him on me. He moaned slightly and I grabbed his hips. "Oh, daddy." He moaned. I groaned and grabbed his ass.

"Move. Now." I demanded.

"Yes, daddy." He started bouncing and I moaned.

"You're so tight, baby."

"Thank you, daddy."

That daddy kink he has, makes this so much hotter. One night we were having sex and he moaned daddy and it was so fucking sexy. He was a blushing mess that night. I took his phone and now I'm in there as daddy.

"You're so big." He moaned. I thruster my hips up, making me go deeper inside of him. I grabbed his head and left a mark on his neck.

"What's my name, Patrick?" I growled. He just moaned and put his face into my neck. "What is it, baby?"

"Daddy!" he screamed as I hit his prostate. I smirked and grabbed his arms. I pulled him closer and he whined. "Pete, I'm close." I nodded and he gripped my shoulders as I moved with him.

I brought my hand to his throbbing dick and wrapped my hand around it. I started moving it and he screamed into my neck as he came. I came inside of him, moaning his name.

He laid on the couch and I started cleaning us. I pulled boxers on myself, putting some on him. I laid with him and pulled a blanket over us. He cuddled into me and I wrapped my arms around him. He turned in my arms and pulled the blanket up.

"Cold?" I whispered. He nodded instantly. "Mkay. Hold on." I got up and put my arms around him. I carried him to our room and slid him under the covers.

He started getting really cold after sex a couple years ago. I don't know why. I laid on the bed and he cuddled into me, wrapping his arms around my waist and laying his head on my stomach. I started playing with his hair. He started shivering so I slid down and held him. He clung to me.

"Patrick, Hun, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." He whispered. I kissed his head and he looked at me.

"What?" I asked, concerned.

"I don't know. I just can't get warm."

I thought for a moment. "Have you been eating?" I asked. He shook his head. "Baby, we've talked about this. You have to eat." He looked at me and started crying. "Trick, why are you crying?" I asked as I held him.

He handed me his phone and I turned it on. I sat up and he sat on my lap, crying into my shoulder. He went to the pictures. They were all hate tweets on Patrick's weight.

"That's not true, Trick. You're so beautiful." I pulled my phone out and went to Twitter.

'@PeteWentz: I don't wanna sound like an asshole, but you guys who are sending Patrick hate need to leave him alone. That's my husband. He has feelings if you didn't know. He's a human being. But, he is the sweetest guy I've ever met. He is so nice, yes he has his moments, but he is so kind. Just leave his weight alone. Any 'fan' who sends anyone in this band or anyone associated with this band is not a fan of mine.'

Patrick got the notification and read it. He kissed me and I kissed back. He moved so he was straddling me. "Again?"

"Yes, daddy." He whispered. I smiled and pulled his boxers down, doing the same for me. I flipped us. He spread his legs a little and I positioned myself. I pushed in and he moaned.

He wrapped his legs around my waist and I grabbed his hands. I started moving, slamming in and out of him. He was moaning beneath me. I buried my face in his neck and kissed his neck. He moaned loudly and tangled his fingers in my hair.

"Oh my god, daddy." He moaned. I stopped moving and he whined. "Keep going, daddy. Please. Please keep going." He begged.

I chuckled and started moving again. I grabbed his ass and he groaned. I felt that familiar feeling in my stomach. "Shit, I'm gonna come, Patrick."

"Me too, daddy." I came inside of him. "Daddy!" He screamed as he came. I smirked and rode our highs out. I pulled out and licked his come up.

"Now are you tired?" I asked.

"Yeah. Very." he replied and smiled. I laid beside him, fixing our boxers. I wrapped my arms around Trick and he cuddled into me. I soon heard his light snores and I checked my Twitter. I saw fans standing up for Patrick and others apologising.

I plugged our phones up and fell asleep next to my perfect husband.

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