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Read till the end of the chappy. Another AN

Pete's POV-8Years later

I looked at my wonderful husband of 8 years. We've been together 12 years total.

"Dad!" Bronx yelled as he hugged me.

"Hey buddy." I greeted my six year old son. We had just finished the Monumentour tour. It was amazing to see all of the fans.

"Pete, can you come get something?" Patrick said from the kitchen.

"Let's go help mommy." Bronx said, using mommy to refer to Patrick. We walked to the kitchen and I saw him struggling to get something.

"Can you get that bowl?" He asked. He was cooking dinner. I tracked up to get in. "Oh lord. You stink." He moved away and I put the bowl on the counter.

"Leave me alone. You know I don't wear deodorant half the time."

"I know. Still." He mumbled. I put my arms around him and he smiled. I kissed him and he smiled, then kissed back.

He put his hands in my blonde hair and pulled back. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Remember when we got our tattoos?"

"Yeah. I freaked out the next day because it wouldn't come off."

"So, Bronx is going to Andy and Joe's tonight." I said suggestively.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah." I kissed his neck and he moaned slightly. I cupped his dick through his jeans. "I haven't been inside you in three months. You're gonna be so tight." I groaned.

"We have set today." He replied.

"I know. That's when they're taking Bronx." I pulled away from him and picked Bronx up.


"Joe and Andy." He smiled.

"I get to see them again?!" He beamed.

"Yeah, bud."

"Thank you, daddy. Thank you, mama." He replied.

"Just be good. Go pack your things. Make sure you take a toothbrush."

"Yes, mama." I set him down and he ran upstairs.

"He's such a good kid." Patrick muttered. I put my arm around him. He leaned his head on my shoulder.

"How's Dec?" I asked.

"He's asleep." He replied. Oh, that's our baby boy if you didn't know. Declan Saint Wentz.

"You're such a good mom." I said.

"You're such a good daddy." He whispered and smiled, biting his lip. I smirked.

"Oh, I know. Gotta keep you in line." I pinned him against the counter. "Little daredevil."

"The worst I've done is not make you dinner."

"You tried to top once."

"I ride you, I don't top. I let you do that. I love having you inside of me." He whispered in my ear.

"Mm." I hummed and he pulled me closer. "I know you love that."

Patrick chuckled and nodded. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug. He put his hands by my shoulder blades, like he always does when we hug. I pulled him closer and kissed his cheek. He laid his head on my chest and I ran my hand through his hair. Everything was perfect...until Declan started crying.

In My Wildest Dreams-BoyXBoyWhere stories live. Discover now