The Boy Who Could Fly...Kinda

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For BlackLlamacorns

Pete's PoV As Patrick ran off

I knew I wasn't good enough. I knew he wouldn't stay with me. I knew I was a worthless piece of shit that no one will ever love. I put my headphones in and started music. The first thing that came on was Hold On Till May and I started crying. Patrick had forgotten his hat. I grabbed it and held it, thinking of the two short weeks we were together. I have nothing to live for. No family. No friends. No boyfriend. Hemingway is the only one who cares.

I started driving home, glad that my parents weren't there. I went to the living room and Hemingway ran over. He jumped up and cuddled into me. I pet him as I watched some ridiculous show.


After spending the whole weekend crying, cutting, and sleeping, I didn't want to go to school. But, here I was. Walking into hell, I mean school, on Monday. I kept my head down as I walked to my locker. I saw a little blue sticky note on it.

'I'm sorry. Please don't pull any stunts.-Trick.' I looked over my shoulder and saw him looking at me. He wanted to break up. I ripped it up, threw it away, and gave him the middle finger. I turned around and opened my locker. I got my stuff out and I heard the bell. We herded to class and I sat alone in the back.

Patrick came over. "Don't." I whispered.

"Pete, please. I still wanna be friends."

"Leave me alone, Patrick." I replied through gritted teeth. He sighed and left.

My three morning classes weren't bad. Patrick didn't try anything. I sat at lunch alone, watching Brendon and Patrick. Brendon said he would never leave me because of his boyfriend. He lied. Patrick said I was meant to be his and no one else's. He lied. My parents said they would never abandon me. They lied. My sister said she would always be there for me. She lied.

I got up and ran out of the lunchroom. I couldn't take it anymore. If there's nothing for me to live for, why am I on this earth? I started running to the bridge. I stood on the edge and tears blurred my vision.

"It won't kill you. I tried that. Try the highest building in Chicago." Someone yelled. I started running to the place my mum and dad worked. I went to the top floor and ran to the edge.

"Pete, please. Come here." I heard someone say as I looked down.

"No. I have no point in this world." I replied, yelling over the wind. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around me. "Let me go." I yelled, trying to free myself.

"Stop, Pete." Someone whispered. I turned around. Brendon. (Plot twist!) I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have abandon you. Ryan was really jealous."

"It's okay." I replied, shoving my head into his neck.

"Cmon. Let's get you home." He whispered.

I nodded and we started heading down. When we opened the door to exit, I saw Ryan. He was leaning against his car. Jealousy filled his features immediately.

"What're you doing here Ryan?" Brendon asked.

"Seeing my boyfriend cuddle the freak." Ryan spat.

"He's my best friend. So what if he's a freak? I don't care. I've known him since we were two. Just because you're jealous, doesn't mean I'm going to give my best friend up."

"He clings to you, Bren."

"I don't care."

"He's going to steal you away from me."

"No I won't. It wouldn't work."

"How would it not work?" Ryan asked.

"We're both tops. I dominate. I don't get fucked."

"I top!" Ryan yelled.

"Hun, we've been over this. I top and you get my dick up your ass." Bren replied. Ryan's cheeks turned red and he groaned loudly. "Cmon. I'm taking him home."

"Fine. Get in." We piled into his car and I sighed. Ryan drove me home and I ran inside. I went to my room and slid down the wall.

Everything that has been held in for the past four days came out. I started sobbing. I grabbed Patrick's fedora, the only thing I have left of him, and held it to my heart. It smelled like him. It was his favourite hat. He wore it all the time. He said it brought him luck. He was wearing it the day I asked him out. He wore it the day I met him.

I got out of the fetal position I was in and went downstairs. I saw Patrick on my couch. "What are you doing here?" I said, ignoring my hoarse and cracking voice.

"I want to be friends Pete." He answered.

"I want to be your boyfriend, but we always can't have what we want."

"We can get what we want. We can be friends, Pete." He replied.

"I want a family that cares. A boyfriend that doesn't break up with me because he thinks being gay is a sin. I want someone who will be there for me. Someone who won't give up on us just because of some book that was written hundreds of years ago in a time of reproduction. Someone who will help me and not care about that others think. Someone who will actually like me for who I am. They'll look behind the facade I put up. They'll like me for me." I replied.

"Pete." He sighed and dropped his head. "I'm scared, Pete! Okay?!" He yelled, walking over to me. "Stop playing the victim!"

"I am the victim! You broke up with me! You made me feel like I wasn't good enough. I had one chance and I-" he cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. I kissed back and he wrapped his arms around me. I placed the fedora on his head and depended the kiss.

He pulled me closer and clutched my shirt in his hands. I cupped his face with my hands. He pulled back. "There's no way you can deny our spark." I whispered.

"I can't." He whispered, looking into my eyes.

"Does that mean I can have my baby back again?" I asked, hopeful. Patrick nodded and I smiled. I pulled him into my embrace and he chuckled.

"Yeah. You can have me back." Patrick whispered in my ear. I picked him up and spun him around. He squealed and I pecked his lips.

"Thank you." I whispered. He placed his head on my shoulder.

I pulled back and led him to the couch. We sat down and he cuddled into me. "Pete?"

"Yeah?" I replied, looking down at him.

He looked up and kissed me. I kissed back and pulled him onto my lap. I rested my hands on his hips and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Yes!" Someone yelled. I pulled back and looked over. I saw Brendon. "Finally."


"You're together again." Brendon clapped and came over.

"Bren, calm your dick." I replied. Patrick laid his head on my chest.

"How can that be comfortable? He still has his fedora on."

"You get used to it." I replied. "I don't care. He's still cute."

"He has to be cute to you."

"Pretty much." I replied with a chuckle. i took his hat off and he pouted. I kissed his head and messed with his hair.

"So you two are friends again?" Patrick asked. Bren nodded and sat beside me.

"Yeah. Besties five ever." Bren said in a weird voice.

"Don't ever do that voice again."

"Okay." He mumbled. I chuckled.

I got my boyfriend and my best friend back. Maybe some things are coming together. Just like I wanted. They are. Just like I imagined.

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