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Patrick's POV-Tuesday

I walked into school. I feel kinda bad because I outed Pete on his cutting. He's been getting pushed around and has been getting names thrown at him. I feel horrible. Like lifetime movie horrible. (Yeah. That bad.) Wait, why am I feeling sympathy for Pete? He infected me with his gay. Ewww. Get it off. I think he's gay but I don't know.

"Patrick!" A familiar voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked over and saw my girlfriend, Vanessa, of a month.

"Hey babe." I said and hugged her. I kissed her head and smiled. Spark? Nope.

"How are you?"

"I'm great. You?"

"Fine. I missed you though."

"I missed you too." I pulled away from the hug and saw Pete staring at me.

I pulled some things from my locker and shut it. I walked her to class, placing a kiss on her cheek, and then leaving. There was something off. She was never that happy. She's been distant lately, too. I don't know. I walked into my class and sat next to my friend, Josh Dun.

"Hey." He greeted. I waved.

"Okay, class. Today, we are doing something different. Philosophical chairs."

"About what?" Some kid yelled.

"If cloning should be allowed." He answered. We all got up and did that all class. The school day dragged on until I was at my locker. I saw Brendon running towards me.

"Hey. What's up?" He just showed me his phone. My girlfriend on her knees, sucking some guys dick. "Where is she?" I asked.

"Abandoned hall." He answered. I shut my locker and went to the abandon hall. I didn't see her, though, I saw Pete. He was in a ball, beaten to a pulp.

"Pete?" I asked. He looked up slightly. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." I walked over to him and he cowered away. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

I helped him up and he hissed in pain. "Why are you helping me?" He whispered.

"Because. It's the right thing to do."

"When have you ever cared about the right thing to do? Never." He spat.

"Patrick!" I heard Vanessa yell. "Hey, babe."

"Don't. You freaking cheated on me. We are done." I said.

"Patrick, please?" She begged.

"No." I replied.

"What are you doing with him?"

"I'm helping him. I shouldn't of outed him. It wasn't right." I turned to Pete. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He just coughed and leaned on me for support. "Go on, Vanessa."

"Whatever. You'll come crawling back to me." She walked away.

"Cmon. I'll walk you home."

"It's fine." He whispered.

"No. I got it." I replied. I started walking out with him. People gave me weird looks. I just kept walking with him. "You need your stuff?"

"Yeah." He mumbled. We went to his locker and he got his stuff. I took his bag and put it on my shoulder. I helped him walk home and he unlocked the door.

I walked in with him and sat him on the couch. "Where's your first aid kit?" I asked. He pointed to the kitchen. I looked under the sink and found it. I grabbed a couple ice packs and went to him. "Put your leg on the table."

He did as told and I took his shoe off. I put a ice pack on it and wrapped it, securing it in place. I cleaned his face and felt his nose. "Is it broken?"

"No. Just bruised." I answered and looked into his eyes. He looked back and I smiled slightly.

"Oh. Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt your moment." I voice said. I jumped away from Pete and saw Brendon.

"W-what a-re you t-talking about?" Pete stuttered.

"You two were obviously having a moment." Brendon replied enthusiastically.

"I'm not a faggot." I replied.

"That's right. You aren't a pile of sticks. Neither is Pete."

"Oh shush. I'm not gay."

"That's what you think. I know a gay when I see one. Just because you're Christian doesn't mean you can't be gay."

"Yeah. It does." I replied. He went on his phone and did something. He showed me a picture...of a dick. I felt my pants tighten slightly and I looked away.

"See?" Brendon asked. "Think about it Patrick." I grabbed my bag and walked out.

"What the hell, Bren?!" I heard Pete yell. "Why would you do that? He probably knows I like him now."

"He doesn't know! I'm just helping you!"

"You're lucky I love you. Or else I would kick your ass." Pete replied.

"I'm like a brother to you. Of course you love me." I walked away from the house. Pete likes me?

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