American Beauty/American Psycho (Tiny AN)

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Patrick POV-4 months later

I've been thinking about the tattoo for the past couple months. We had ended tour and got almost all of the wedding planning done. All we have to do is get tuxedos and a couple dresses.

"So, Patrick, we are getting married next month." Pete said. He put his arms around my standing frame. I was doing laundry.

"Yeah. I know. Why?"

"Have you thought about that tattoo?"

"Yeah. Kinda. I just don't know what I could get."

"I think we should get matching tattoos." He pulled a piece of paper out and smiled. It said American Beauty and American Psycho with a little infinity sign beside it.

"I love it." I whispered and looked at him. He pecked my lips.

"You would get beauty and I would get psycho of course."

"Where?" He pointed to his wrist and I smiled. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He replied and fixed my hair. "I love your sex hair."

"It's sex hair and bed head."

"Morning sex." I chuckled and pecked his cheek. "You're so cute."

"You're sexy. You're like walking sex." I replied. "A sex God."

"You're a sex God."

"That's a lie." I replied, crossing my arms.

"No it's not. Do I need to show you?" He growled. He pushed me against the wall and kissed my neck. "Do I?"

"Not right now, babe." I whispered. He pouted and I chuckled. "Later. I promise."

"Fine." He stepped back. "How would I look without my fringe? I wanna cut my hair."

I took the hair from his face. "I like it. Maybe leave the guy liner off too."

"One step at a time." I chuckled.

"Okay. Go get ready and I'll take you to get your hair cut."

"Mkay. Thanks baby." He kissed my cheek and ran upstairs. I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair. I put my favourite fedora on and frowned at my appearance. "You look amazing, love." Pete said, appearing.

"Thanks." I blushed and he hugged me.

"You're beautiful." He whispered.

"You're sexy." I replied. He rolled his eyes and I kissed his cheek. "Go get ready."

"I have to shower in here since we're redoing our bathroom."

"Oh. Sorry." I started making my way to the door, blushing like a mad man.

"You act like you've never seen me naked." He said.

"I've seen you naked plenty of times."

"Cause you like my dick up your ass." He replied. I turned and saw my parents giving me a disapproving look. Pete was facing the wall.

"Hey mum. Hey dad." I greeted awkwardly. Pete turned around.

"So, he has tattoos and you guys already had sex?" My mum asked.

"Yeah we have. Deal with it." Pete replied.

"Pete." I growled.

"You love me." He replied, wrapping his arms around me.

"That doesn't mean you can be disrespectful to my parents."

"Weren't you raised better? Did your mum teach you anything? Or did they hate your gay ass?" My father spat.

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