A Little More Touch Me

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Pete PoV

Patrick walked in the bedroom and smiled. We finished tour about a month ago and it's been great.

"Hun?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I replied. He came over and straddled my lap. I was just laying in bed.

"I love you."

"I love you, too. What do you need?" I asked.

"You." He replied in a seductive tone.

"Not today, baby. I don't feel too good." I rejected. He sighed, got up, and left. "Patrick. Come back. I still love you."

He didn't respond. I groaned and got up. I walked to the living room and sat beside him. "Go back to bed, Pete."

"No." I sassed and put my arms around him.

"Stop. You don't feel good."

"I don't. It's the seasons and it's making my throat hurt so I don't wanna use it too much." I replied. He sighed.

"I didn't want a blow job." He muttered.

"A hand job?" I asked.

"No, Pete!" He yelled. "I wanted to have sex. Okay?!" He got up and left. He went to the music room and started playing. That means you leave him alone, it was a rule. But rules are meant to be broken.

I got up and went in. I went behind Patrick and grabbed him. I kissed his jaw and smiled. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't know." He sighed and melted into me.

"It's okay."

"Are you sure?" I replied.

"Yeah. Positive. I love you and want to give my virginity to you." He replied and put his arms on mine.

"Soon. I want our first time to be really special."

"I only need you for it to be special." He whispered. I kissed his cheek and thanked him. I rubbed his arms and he blushed.

"I love you so much." I whispered.

"I love you, too." He replied. I pulled his guitar from around him and put it down. I took his hand and led him to the living room.

We laid on the couch and I kissed his nose. He climbed on top of me and I smiled. He intertwined our fingers and I chuckled. "Are you forcing yourself to do this? Last month you said you wanted to wait till, and if, we get married." I asked.

"I'm kinda forcing myself, but I still want to. You're my boyfriend and I need to satisfy your needs. From what I know, you don't get off. I've never given you a blow job or a hand job." He answered. I chuckled.

"Baby, I'm fine. Yeah, sometimes I wanna bend you over and fuck you. But you want to wait. I could care less that you've never, yknow. I don't want you to force yourself."

"Thank you, Pete." I kissed his nose and he put his head on my chest. "You wanna know what I love?"


"You." He answered cheekily.

"I love you, too." I replied. "I'm gonna hang out with Brendon later."

"Awe. I'll be all alone."

"I wish I could take you, but I can't. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I understand." I ran a hand through his hair.

"This is why I love you." I replied. "And lots of other reasons."

He chuckled. We spent the day cuddling. I got ready and Bren knocked. "Hey. Ready?" I asked as I opened the door.

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