Oh, Calamity!

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Pete's PoV

I sat in class on Friday. I just wanted this day to be over. The bell rang and I got up. I left class and saw Patrick in the hall. He ignored me. Fuck him. I wanna. I really wanna fuck him. I wonder how tight he would be.

Oh shit. I have a boner. Whatever. I started thinking about things so it went away. I sat in my next class and looked at Brendon. He's sitting with Ryan. He never sits with me anymore. He'll stop by sometimes. I knew he was gonna abandon me for Ryan. I just went on with my work, not wanting to think anymore. The day passed and I went to my locker.

Some guys came over and started beating me up. Brendon just watched. He never watched. He always stopped it. I grabbed my things and went home. I ran inside and locked the door. I went to my room and cried. Brendon, my only friend, hates me.

I heard someone walk up the stairs and they came into my room. "Pete? What's wrong?" I heard Brendon ask. I turned to him.

"Fuck you. You watched me get beat up. You never do that. Are you ashamed of me now?! I knew this would happen. This is why I don't get close to people. I thought I could trust you!" I yelled.

"Pete, I'm not ashamed of you. You can trust me."

"To hell with you, Brendon. You always stop them. What makes today different? You're boy toy? Is he upset because you didn't fuck him hard enough?!" I yelled. I was beyond pissed.

"Whatever Pete. You're just jealous. You're just the depressed, loner, emo with no friends." He spat and I started crying again. I slid down the wall and cried into my knees.

"I'm sorry Brendon. Goodbye." I whispered and got up. I ran out of the house and to the bridge. I stood on the railing, tears blurring my vision.

"Pete! Don't do it!" I heard someone yell. It was Patrick.

"You don't care. No one does."

"Pete, I do care. Come down, please."

"No Patrick. Everything would be better without me." I yelled back. I saw him stand beside me.

"If you go, I'm going with you." He replied. I looked over at him. He was looking right back at me. "Cmon. Let's get you back home."

"Patrick, please. The only person I had left hates me."

"Well, you have me. I don't hate you, Pete."

"You'll hate me soon enough."

"No I won't, Pete. Just come down." He begged.


"Don't. Cmon. I'm not letting you kill yourself." He took my hand and got down. I turned and he grabbed my other hand. He helped me down and we walked to mine. I let us in and he hugged me. "Don't leave me, Pete."

"I'm sorry, Patrick." I whispered. He pushed my hair back down and kissed my cheek.

"Pete?" I heard Brendon say. That asshole is still here? "Yes. I'm still here."

"Well, leave. You obviously don't care."

"Who was there when no one else was? When your parents left you alone? When you cut too deep? When you were laying in a hospital bed? When people beat you up? When you were figuring your sexuality out? When everyone else rejected you? When you got labeled as the outcast? Who, Pete?"

"You care more about Ryan than your best friend." I replied. "I bet you he stopped you from sitting with me. From helping me. You know I can't defend myself. You have dirt on every single person in that school. They will not mess with you. I'm the easiest target. Especially when my best friend isn't there. You were the only thing that kept me safe."

Patrick kissed my head and rubbed my back. "I'll keep you safe. Don't worry." He whispered and kissed my ear. I kissed his neck softly and he held me closer.

"Bren, you ready to go?" Ryan asked, walking in.

"Yeah. I'm done with this emo." He left.

"Cmon." Bren left with him.

"It's okay, Pete."

"Nothing will ever be okay, Patrick.

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