Chapter 4

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~ Harry's P.O.V. ~

After swimming I felt too drained both physically and mentally so i just got my things together and took myself down to the dorms for a nice hot shower and a well deserved nap. I don't really care that I'll be missing two classes; Spanish and math's.

Two subjects I actually excel at so I highly doubt that missing them for one day would really hurt my academic score especially since I've already missed two months of the school year during the move, what's one more day right?

I'm not even sure i want to stay at this school if im being completely honest, so far i have only interacted with four students and one of those said students are becoming a real pain in the ass.

Once i got to my dorm room after scanning my prison badge or should i say school fob i threw my backpack and hideous swimming bag onto the floor and headed straight for the bathroom, stripping off my uniform leaving it scattered all over the cold tile floor and stepped into the cloudy glass shower.

The hot water felt amazing blanketing my skin that stunk of chlorine form the pool, i adjusted it to almost scalding and let it melt away all the tension that had built up in my muscles and I felt myself instantly relax so once id shampooed my hair to get rid of the smell I was ready to get into bed and fall asleep.

But as soon as I had gotten comfortable in large bed hurrying my face into my pillow I heard voices shouting outside my door.

"just leave it Liam for fuck sake." I know that voice, it belongs to the boy who hates me.

"no Lou I won't just leave it, you're in enough trouble with your grades as it is so skipping lessons won't help you plus don't pretend like I didn't see you eyeing up that new kid." another voice I don't recognize said but I assume its 'Liam'

"its not like that Li" the boy from across the hall protested.

"Look Louis you're this close to getting thrown out because of all the trouble you've caused between you and Niall, you guys were best friends and then suddenly one day it was over. what happened?" Liam spoke to him like he was a parent rather than a friend.

I feel bad for eavesdropping like this but its not as if I can help it really, they're yelling at each other right outside my door, am I supposed to not listen? If we had a keyhole on the door you can bet your bottom dollar I would be watching them through it... is that creepy?

"I already told you I don't want to talk about that now Liam, I say this with the utmost kindness yeah-Fuck off." he said and then I heard a door slam.

Hmm i guess im not the only one that wants to know what happened between them, difference is i dont tell my friends to fuck off but at least he did it with kindness; im an avid believer of treating people with kindness.

Although saying that this boy hasnt been treating me with kindness so maybe i should be treating him the same way he treats me, lets see how he likes it if i trip him up in the hallway or elbow him in the ribs.

Looking in my nightstand i found a remote identical to the one Niall had and press the red button, at the same time i pressed it a Tv has come sliding out from the end of my bed so i sign into netflix and put Dexter on.

I dont know what it is about the man that plays Dexter's voice but i find it so soothing that it just helps me sleep.


I was awoken by a great big weight being thrown on top of my body, my eyes shot open to see my roommates bright blonde hair and his grinning face staring down at me. "Niall get off me I cant breathe" I managed to say and he rolled off me laying next to me.

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