Chapter 17

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~ Louis' POV ~

Today is the last day of the semester, meaning nobody is going to class because we all need to pack so we can go home for two weeks due to the Christmas break and obviously my birthday which I consider a national holiday of course.

I am absolutely dreading that eleven hour flight, for some reason when we fly over Canada the plane cabin gets really cold and I end up shivering for a couple of hours even if I wear enough clothing it just feels like I cant get away from it. 

Liam being the goody two shoes that he is, had already packed everything of his a week ago so all he has to add to his bag is the essentials, that could never be me. I'm always the person that just throws everything in last minute and then curse myself when at my destination because I left most of the stuff I needed in the other location. 

The amount of times my poor mother has had to send me packages with things I've left behind is actually embarrassing but its who I am and I'm not Bruce Banner, I don't change. Why would I when I'm clearly perfect the way I am. 

Harry and I have been basically inseparable the last couple of weeks, I don't really know how I'm going to cope without seeing him every day for the whole break. Actually I don't know how I will manage to sleep without his warm body tightly tangled with mine. 

We have both gotten so used to sleeping with each other now that its going to feel weird and foreign not having his mop of curls resting on my chest and tickling my chin in the mornings when I wake up.  

Even though we have been practically joined at the hip, nobody except Niall and Liam know about our relationship or should say situationship since we haven't really defined what we are; but I'd like to before we part ways for two weeks. 

God knows what or who he has waiting for him at home and I want him to know that he is mine officially and nobody else is allowed to replace me, that is one of my biggest fears. What if we spent two weeks apart and he realizes how much better he is than me and comes back only to tell me to take a hike. 

No. No that cant happen; Harry Styles is mine and nobody else will ever feel the way I do about him. Does he feel the same way about me?

After about an hour of me throwing stuff mindlessly into my suitcase, not even paying attention to what I'm packing because I keep thinking about Harry, I decided that I've earned a break and mosey on across the hall to see the person who has been occupying my thoughts. 

I knock on the door three times and have to resist the urge to pull a Sheldon; knock three times saying Harry each time. Every time I knock on a door I want to do that but I cross my arms to trap them so my body cant betray me and do it anyway. 

Harry opens the door and his face instantly lights up when he sees I'm the one at the door, that dimpled smile of his makes my stomach do somersaults each time I see it, no matter how many times that kid smiles at me it still pulls the same reaction. 



I walked into his room or was rather pulled in by Harry who wrapped his long toned arms around me and squeezed so tight I actually made choking noises from my face being buried deep into his chest but I didn't really mind if I'm going to be honest, Harry gave the best hugs they made me feel so comfortable and safe. 

When he loosened his grip around me I tilted my head back and we seemed to share the same thought because he pressed his soft dark pink lips to mine instantly. 

Fuck kissing him makes me feel like my body is soaring through the air, in the moment that our lips are connected there isn't anyone else in the entire universe; its just me and him becoming one. 

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