Chapter 5

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~ Harry's POV ~

It's now Tuesday morning and my first lesson is Math, a subject I really like and enjoy because I find it beautiful as its the same in every language. Allot of people tend to struggle with that subject or come to loathe it but I find solving equations soothing.

Just like yesterday morning when I was rudely awoken my the alarm noise being emitted from my phone, its the Pirates of the Caribbean theme tune don't judge me, Niall was nowhere to be seen so after getting myself dressed I began brushing my teeth and in came my beaming blonde roommate with a trolley full of breakfast foods only this morning he wasn't alone.

Gabi had found him in the cafeteria and basically invited herself along to have breakfast with us which I found a little weird but I didn't say anything when she walked into Niall and I's shared room, nor did I say anything when she made my bed for me before sitting on it; I also found that strange.

Once the three of us had all eaten breakfast, Niall of course having the lions share of the trolley while Gabi and myself only having a couple slices of toast each, we all made our way to the main school building where all the classrooms are. Along the way we were joined by Zayn and one of the boys I had previously met yesterday in the common room; he introduced himself properly this time telling me his name was Calum.

As it happened both Gabi and Calum had math with me so we said our goodbyes to Niall and Zayn then made our way to our class.

"We have assigned seating in this class so you'd better go introduce yourself to the teacher and ask him where you have to sit mate." Calum said, his Australian accent was pretty thick; I nodded and walked to the teachers cluttered desk while my friends went off and found their seats.

"You must be Harry" the man said looking me up and down before I had a chance to speak. "I read your transcripts and you seem to be very good at this subject so I would like you to sit next to Louis who is failing miserably in my class, I think you'd be good for him." the short balding man informed me and I wanted the ground to swallow me up whole this very second.

Of course he was in this class and of course I'd be the one to be sitting next to him because the universe just loves to have a laugh at my expense apparently, it's not bad enough that I already have to be his partner in English, have the same swimming lesson as him and also live right in front of him no that's not enough for you is it universe? You also have to partner me up with him in my favorite subject because I cant possibly enjoy one single thing in this school.

"Sir I don't mean to overstep or anything but I'd really rather not sit next to him." I tried my hardest to be polite while making my request but judging by the unamused look on the teachers face my request was going to be denied.

"Lets get one thing straight here Mr. Styles, you will sit where I tell you to sit" he said sternly pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose while looking up at me with raised brows, the man must be at least a foot shorter than me; he is basically a hobbit and I'm finding it incredibly hard hard to take him seriously.

With a clenched jaw and slumped shoulders I stalked over to the back of the class where the blue eyed boy was already sat mindlessly scrolling through his phone and I felt a sense of dejavu, I wonder what insults he will inevitably throw at me today.

I haven't really let myself think about what had happened between us yesterday afternoon when Louis had pulled me into his dorm room and jerked me off without uttering a single word then threw me out of his room like I was yesterdays room service.

Maybe that actually didn't happen and I just hallucinated it? But why would I do that if I have never looked at another boy in that way before? I'm just going to pretend like it didn't happen and lock away that memory, real or not, away somewhere at the back of my brain.

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