Chapter 10

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~ Harry's POV ~

The past two weeks have been melancholy.

Since the bonfire I've had an overwhelming, suffocating cloud of sadness following me around everywhere I go. The only way to make it go away is to have constant distractions so thats what the endless parade of nameless girls have been; distractions.

The day after the bonfire I vowed to myself that I wasn't going to talk or even look at him anymore, for some reason it hurt to even look in his direction and every time I did his hurtful words would echo in my head before they settled in my chest making me feel like someone had reached their hand into my chest and was firmly squeezing my heart.

Hence the distractions, I figured if I kept myself occupied with someone else all the time then maybe I could stop thinking about the blue eyed boy who I had only known for a week but somehow managed to get under my skin.

Spoiler alert it didn't work as well as I hoped because its like he made a point of trying to get a rise out of me with all the small violent acts he committed against me, but I'm a stubborn motherfucker and when I get something into my head there's no changing it.

I made it a point to never be alone, which to my surprise hadn't been a hard thing to achieve since the performance drunk Harry put on at the bonfire; I had girls just falling at my feet showering me with compliments and propositions but it all just felt hollow.

The Sunday after the bonfire was spent in my room hiding from the outside world, I tried to call my mother but eventually gave up after the 6th time and thats how its been the whole two weeks; every time I call I get her voicemail. That only added to the sadness cloud, my mother and I had always been really close but since moving to America we had started to grow further and further apart.

Not to worry because after a week of me calling but not getting an answer a shiny gold diamond encrusted Rolex showed up in my room with a note 'sorry I missed your calls -love mum' as soon as I had read that note I threw that damn watch across the room hearing it clatter as it hit the floor on account of it being so heavy.

I was only calling on the Sunday to ask her advice on what to get Gabi as a thank you gift for taking care of me but of course I didn't receive any help with that so I figured I would send her a bunch of flowers, after an hour of looking around the flower shop in town the store assistant talked me into buying a bouquet of sunflowers.

Gabi of course being the lovely person that she is loved them, her eyes lit up with so much glee and a bright smile covered her face. That small moment of making someone happy was where I got the idea of having people be my distraction because in that small fleeting moment I wasn't being suffocated by my own loneliness and I didn't feel rejected.

Niall had finally decided to come back to our shared room on the Monday, he ended up telling me how he had been crushing on Liam for the past year but never had the courage to tell him his feelings. Apparently my brave act of madness, singing at the bonfire, had given him the push he needed.

The blonde boy said that if I could get up in front of all those people, sing a song and have the confidence to get them all to join in then he could muster up the confidence to tell the boy he liked how he felt regardless of how he would react.

Luckily for Niall though Liam somehow felt the same and had been pining for him for a while too, I was happy that they were together I really was but then my roommate told me that he patched up his relationship with Louis and that meant I would be seeing him allot more.

He wasn't lying either, the small blue eyed boy would sit with our friendship group. Some days he would just stare at me with a clenched jaw almost as if he was silently plotting my demise in his head; but after the first couple of days I stopped looking at him completely.

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