Chapter 21

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~ Louis' POV ~ 

I stared at my phone screen as Harry's name flashed on it, he was calling me again and it was absolutely killing me not picking it up and listening to his deep raspy voice but I know it was the middle of the night where he is and I am afraid to hear what he has to say right now. 

He must be furious with me because I haven't spoken to him in two days but he seemed to be doing fine, I had watched all his instagram stories that he had uploaded having a great time at a party full of beautiful people. 

I saw all the photos he was tagged in and I definitely saw all the photos and updates his model friend Dylan had posted, I told Harry not to forget about me but it seems like he replaced me really quickly. Seeing that someone else could make him smile like that was ripping my insides to shreds.

Liam told me on the plane ride home that Harry and I were moving way too fast, that it wasn't healthy how obsessed with each other we seemed and that I should use this time apart to really evaluate our relationship, so I tried to not message him constantly and let him lead his own life even though all I wanted to do was hop on a plane and spend the whole break with him.  

Everything seemed to be going fine, he would text me good morning every day and we would talk like normal. I missed him so much like I had left a piece of me with him but two days ago it all changed. 

I slept in a little and like always I had a good morning text from Harry which warmed my heart but just as I was about to reply I got a notification that he had posted on Instagram, so as curiosity got the better of me I clicked on it to see what he uploaded. 

My heart shattered when I saw he seemed to be on a date with a man that was ripped off of the pages of a magazine. I switched over to my clock app and checked the time where Harry was, it had been around one in the morning. 

In my mind there were thousands of questions swirling at a hundred miles an hour, I was desperate to know how they met, how long they had known each other, what had they been doing together at that time of night. All those questions were making me dizzy because I had no way of getting the answers.

So as any normal sane person would do I clicked on the strangers profile to see who that dickhead was and of course he was a model, my insides boiled in jealousy when I saw the picture of the same dinner but from this Dylans perspective. 

Harry's smile was so bright and his eyes looks so beautiful as they sparkled in the moonlight that I felt sick to my stomach, how could he replace me so quickly? I didn't reply to his endless messages for the next two days but I watched every single update the both of them posted. 

I watched as Dylan took Harry out to his shoot, it looked like they had so much fun together I was so fucking jealous it felt like it was eating me alive so I didn't reply to Harry's endless stream of messages in fear of what I would say and in anger that he was spending time with someone else while I had been at home doing nothing but missing him.

Somehow I figured that I could not talk to him for the rest of the break and then make things right between us when we both got back to school but as the hours went by I feared that I was losing him even more. 

He was mine, he knew that right? 

Harry knew that just because I wasn't talking to him didn't mean I didn't want him anymore right? In my mind I thought that when we both returned to school everything would just go back to normal, we would once again hold each other tight as we slept. 

But my sister caught me moping around and cornered me, demanding I tell her what's going on because I had been 'more snappy than usual'  the past couple of days so I gave up and told her everything.

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