Chapter 33

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~ Harry's POV ~

When Liam said he was going to make us train, he wasn't joking. 

He made us run the entire perimeter of the school, which is completely insane because this school is absolutely huge; it literally took us an hour of non stop running to cover the entire grounds. By the time we had been around once I felt like I was going to throw up and threw myself on the floor, begging Liam for mercy.

Louis was trying to beg him to let us rest but he was so out of breath that only incoherent pants came out of his mouth instead of actual words and Liam just shook his head at us rolling his eyes disapprovingly like we were overreacting, he ran the exact same course as we did and yet he was absolutely fine. Niall was the one that was getting on my nerves though, he somehow commandeered one of the school buggies that the groundskeepers used to get around and was driving along next to us. 

Honking and yelling obscenities at Liam like "Get your tits out." And laughing hysterically which Liam completely ignored and carried on running circles around us, no he literally ran circles around Louis and I when we started to fall behind, telling us that his grandma can run faster than us. 

Right now he was yelling at us to do something called a burpee and when I told him I didn't know what that meant because the most exercise I've ever done in my like was running down the stairs to get something out of the fridge and then run back up so I could keep watching whatever show I would've been binging, he just shook his head at me.

But then he proceeded to show me exactly what a burpee was while Louis and I watched him from the floor, mouths wide open at how fast his body moved up and down. There's not a chance I am going to do that, come hell or high water I know my body cant do that, I can barely ride my bike without falling over, Christ. 

While Liam was doing his little demonstration, Zayn jogged up to us. I had sent him a text to tell him that we were training for the triathlon. If I have to suffer this torture so does everyone else I mean its only fair right?

"What is he doing?" Zayn asked wide eyed darting them between us on the floor and then back at Liam. 

"Oh nice of you to join us now that all the running is over Zayn." Louis rolled his eyes but I quickly elbowed him softly and whispered 'be nice' while giving him a pointed look because last time we all trained together it didn't end well and I would really rather not repeat the same thing. 

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different outcomes, now if that's good enough for Albert Einstein then it was good enough for me so we will all be kind to each other and get along. 

"You haven't warmed up Zayn, right everyone up on their feet. Lets do another lap." Liam instructed and I swear I started crying but only dust came out of my tear ducts from being so exhausted. 

"Payno mate, I love you dearly I do but if you try to make me run around this school again and I might take your running shoes and beat you to death with them, so maybe we should call it a day yeah?" Louis threatened his best friend with a smile on his lips but Liam didn't seem phased by the threat knowing it was empty. 

Niall had broken out into hysterical laughter once again while sitting on his buggy and Zayn made his way to sit with him, while Liam and Louis got into an intense staring match as if the first to crack was the one that lost the battle and decided our fate. 

"Liam babes they're too tired from fucking all morning, give them a break." Niall shouted and I literally buried my face in the grass and dirt out of embarrassment. 

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