Chapter 19

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~ Harry's POV ~

The past couple of days have been filled with nothing but endless Netflix binges and loneliness, I had been holed up in my room watching Brooklyn99 for fourteen hours a day, spending the other ten hours sleeping. 

I haven't showered, eaten or even brushed my teeth which is really disgusting and I am definitely starting to smell so I should definitely bathe and brush my teeth because right now if someone were to speak to me they would probably need a gas mask, but luckily for me there is nobody in this house but the staff that work here and they don't bother me. 

With the different timezones I haven't really been able to speak to Louis much, I assumed he was busy with his family and his friends from back home so I tried my hardest not to pester him by texting and calling him every time I wanted to, which was all the time. 

My feelings have dwindled down and I am glad I didn't tell him that I love him because that is definitely not the case, this time apart has helped me see that I was severely overreacting to my emotions. Of course I do have strong feelings towards Louis and miss him greatly but its more of an infatuation; its not love... at least not yet. 

So as I finished my eighty fourth episode of Brooklyn99 my stomach rumbled and my mouth started filling up with saliva meaning I was about to throw up, whenever I go long periods without eating my body seems to react this way and makes me dry heave which makes no sense because I then feel too sick to eat but I really needed to. 

I hauled myself out of my pit, otherwise known as my bed, and trudged on down to my bathroom that was connected to my room much like the one at school. This bathroom was also very spacious and beautifully decorated which was definitely wasted on me. I stepped into the shower and washed the last two days off of my body. 

Once I was nice and clean, I towelled off my hair that definitely needed cutting since it was almost long enough to put into a little bun, and threw on some clothes. A dark grey woven jumper and some black jeans with black boots. 

With a sigh I opened the door to my cave or bedroom as other people may call it and made my way through this ridiculously large house, down the stairs and into the sparkling kitchen that looks like its never been used. This house looks more like a show home with how extremely pristine it is, a museum if you will. 

I opened up all the cupboards and the three fridges to see if anything stroke up my fancy but it didn't, there was nothing I wanted to eat from here and I couldn't see a single soul to even have a small conversation with... how disappointing. 

Taking one last look around the empty silent house I decided to go outside but I didn't have my car here and I really didn't feel like hunting down the driver to take me somewhere because I didn't even really know where I wanted to go at one o'clock in the morning. 

So I went into the garage and dusted off my bike, mounted it and peddled out of there, down the driveway and out of the grounds with nowhere special in mind but hoping that the fresh air would get rid of some the loneliness that was settling in my chest. 

After around thirty minutes I reached a street that had various food trucks and a few people standing around eating or chatting, my tummy rumbled once more reminding me I still hadn't consumed anything so I went to ride across the street but clearly missed the stick in the middle of the road because I went ass over tit once my bike wheel went over it, making my body flip over the handlebars and smack down onto the floor. 

Please universe do me a solid here and make sure nobody saw me embarrass myself like that. 

"Hey buddy you okay?" A male voice asked sounding concerned and I sighed because of course someone had to see that, not even at one in the morning can I fall down without someone being there to see it. 

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