Chapter 39

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~ Harry's POV ~

The first thing I heard when I woke up were steady beeps.

I tried to swallow but my entire mouth and throat were so dry it felt like I had swallowed nothing but sand for two days. Without opening my eyes I took a deep inhale through my nose and smelled disinfectant and the familiar scent of my mothers perfume. 

As soon as my brain recognized that scent I ripped open my eyes immediately but quickly closed them and winced due to the bright white light right above me that seared my corneas like steaks on a hot skillet, did I die? Was I finally in hell?

Slowly I opened up my eyes again, squinting at first till my eyes adjusted to that awful light, while I warily took in my surroundings it became abundantly clear that those beeps I was hearing were coming from a heart rate machine, meaning I was in a hospital room. 

The memories came flooding into my mind, the triathlon, the pills, me taking a nosedive in the changing rooms and finally the calming blue eyes that looked terrified. Fuck I have really gone and done it this time, I'm such an idiot. 

I looked around the room to see if Louis was here but the only person in the room was my mother. Wait my mother is here, shit. How long have I even been unconscious and how did I get here? Did the school call an ambulance, oh sweet lord I hope they didn't; I really didn't need that kind of attention. 

"Harry honey, you're awake." My mother smiled and handed me a glass of water. I took it only because I was really desperate for it but I don't know why she is here and acting like she didn't try to ruin my life. 

"Don't touch me, I don't want you here." I dodged her attempt at caressing my face. 

As far as I am concerned, she stopped being my mother the day she decided to take away the only person that ever truly cared about me and made me feel loved. There is no point her even being here and pretending like she cares, I know she doesn't. 

"Stop being so dramatic Harry, I'm still your mother." She huffed and I tried to furrow my brows at her but quickly stopped doing that due to the pain radiating from the bridge of my nose. 

"A mother wouldn't do what you did." I said with a tone full of disgust, not even being able to look at her. We used to be so close before we moved, I never dreamed that my own mother would treat me this way for loving who I love. 

"Oh spare me Harry, I already heard the set list from that boy. I don't need the encore from you." she rolled her eyes at me but my heart started pounding in my chest, meaning the beeps in the room started to get faster. 

Louis was here and she knows we are still together, oh no what if she said something to him to make him leave me again. No she cant do that, no he promised he wouldn't leave again. I was trying my hardest to stay calm but my hands were starting to tremble meaning the panic attack was on its way and there was no stopping it. 

"Listen Harry, you're going to break up with that boy. Its for your own good." She said with a smile but her tone wasn't anything close to friendly or warm, in fact that very much sounded like a threat and for the life of me I couldn't recognise the woman in front of me. I didn't grow up with this person. 

"No I won't. I love him and he loves me so you can throw me out, cut me off and threaten me if that's what you really want ;but I'm not going to lose the only person that means something to me." I tried matching her tone but my voice was hoarse so my statement was a little shaky, I meant every word though. 

"My sweet sweet Harry, its not you I'm threatening right now. If you don't stop seeing that boy immediately, I will get his scholarship revoked and get his behind shipped back to England where he belongs. You really think he will love you, if you ruin his entire life?" she smiled sinisterly, her words went through me like a hot knife. 

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