Chapter 48

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~ Louis' POV ~

Its graduation day. 

And Harry has been keeping himself so busy the past few weeks that I have barely seen him but I know its so he isn't tempted to go see his mother. School finished a week ago so I have been staying with him but he leaves early morning and comes back late at night, completely exhausted and drained. 

I've been trying my best to give him space and time to heal while at the same time trying to be there for him and give Harry the love and affection he desperately needs but its hard when he isn't there for me to hold. 

Sometimes he takes me to his shoots with him when he is allowed, I sit with him while all the people primp and pamper him to make sure he looks the right way for the type of photos they need and I can feel that he appreciates my presence there. Every so often he will look over and give me this smile thats dripping in adoration. 

I just wish I knew what else I could do to help but I cant pressure him right now, when he is ready to talk about things I know he will come to me and let things out. I'm happy he is seeing a therapist though, the look of shame on his face when he told me was so heartbreaking. He let that little detail slip after I found him standing out on the balcony at three in the morning. 

Despite all this we are happy with each other, I love him and he loves me. Even if he is being a little distant but I understand and will be patient for as long as it takes for him to start feeling lighter, because we have the rest of our lives together and I won't let a little sadness on his part get in the way of the plans I have been making. 

In September we are moving to New York, I got offered a scholarship to study history at NYU. It took me by surprise that they offered it to me of all people but the Chancellor submitted me because he was thoroughly impressed with how much my grades improved in just a few short months, he said he knew I had an insane amount of potential and if I applied the same level effort I have this year then I would go really far in life. 

This scholarship is thanks to Harry, he is the one that completely turned my grades around. I owe that boy so much and I feel so grateful and fortunate that he is all mine. Even if he does irritate me with his incessant need to have everything neat and tidy. 

Like a stray sock on the floor is apparently the end of the world. Or if I leave my plate in the sink instead of putting it straight into the dishwasher he acts like I left a dead body there but somehow I think he enjoys cleaning up all the time. If he didnt then why do it? I mean the boy cleaned before the maid came round the other day, I literally couldn't believe my eyes. 

Absolutely ridiculous. 

But regardless of that I love him to pieces, I cant and won't imagine my life without him. 

Even though today was graduation day, Harry had been roped into doing a last minute shoot by his agent. He promised me that he would make my graduation but im not too fussed if he doesn't, my family isn't here either and I wasn't going to come and do the whole walk thing but Harry basically forced me. 

Well I say forced, we had been in a really heated kissing session, you know the ones where you cant help run your hands all over the other persons body. Feeling and squeezing every part you can grab, clothes being torn off and thrown about in between pants but he wouldn't allow me to touch him properly until I agreed to go to the graduation ceremony, so it was less forced and more bribed. 

In that moment I wouldve agreed to climb Everest or go bungee jumping but for the sake of my ego and dignity we won't mention that to Harry even though, I'm pretty sure he knows. 

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