Chapter 43

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~ Louis' POV ~

Waking up this morning with Harry still sleeping soundly next to me, his arms wrapped around my waist while he laid on his side facing me, was incredible. I missed him so much these past two weeks, it has been torture not being able to feel his skin on mine.

So I was taking the chance right now to admire him for all his beauty as he serenely slept next to me with a content smile playing on those cherry coloured plump lips, my hand was gently caressing his face, outlining his every feature as if I was a blind man trying to take in his appearance and committing it to memory.

Looking at Harry is like looking at a supernova, the luminous beauty that radiates off his crystal green eyes and the way his smile can light up the entire room is something that astonishes me every time I look at him. I'm convinced that he was forged with actual stardust by the gods above, that's the only explanation I can fathom for how someone can be so angelic.

Every time I look at him when we have these little moments, ones where he is asleep or doesn't realise I'm looking at him, I feel like the luckiest little bastard on the planet. To have someone so special be all mine.

I'd let someone drag me through hell, if it allowed me to hold his hand; even if it was just once.

We fell asleep last night mid conversation, or rather he did. I fought off the tiredness that was burning in my eyes so I could spend as much time as I could just holding him close and letting my heart glow brighter than any star in the night sky.

While I'm at school he is all I think about, and having Dylan call me out on all the texts I send him every second of every day was a little annoying but I have this need inside me to take care of Harry, because nobody else has done that for him and he needs to know that he deserves to be taken care of. He deserves to be loved.

Every time I tell him that I love him, I see a brief flash of disbelief in his eyes and it hurts me each time. To think that someone so wonderful and brave has been destroyed by those closest to him, me included. I know I am part of the reason that he feels fragmented but I will happily spend the rest of my life piecing together all the sections that have broken off until he is whole.

Harry's eyes were starting to flutter under his eyelids meaning he was going to wake up soon, I was both happy to be able to have him awake so I could make him feel loved and spend as much time with him as possible before I had to leave and I was also a little sad, sad because I could tell that he wasn't sleeping well.

Something is bothering him but he wont tell me what it is, I have sent countless messages to Dylan for him to find out but that dickhead leaves me on read ninety percent of the time which really pisses me off. So to get back at him I send multiple messages in a row, and just when he thinks I'm done... buzz buzz its me again asshole.

"Lou?" Harry rasped out in that dreamy sleep filled voice that sounds so heavenly it may as well be a choir of angels.

"I'm here." I whispered pulling him a little closer to me and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. I felt the way his heart palpitated in his chest, we were only wearing boxers right now so with our chests pressed flush together I could feel everything, but so could he.

I wish I could bottle this moment up so I could carry it around with me forever and always, each time I had that ache in my chest from missing him too much I could simply open up the bottle and let myself be enveloped in this feeling, the feeling of pure love and serenity.

Harry angled his head up towards mine and puckered his lips but still kept his eyes closed, patiently demanding a kiss and I didn't waste any time leaning forward those small measly inches so I could press a gentle kiss to his soft plush lips, he whined a little when I pulled away too quickly making me smile fondly before connecting my lips to his again.

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