Chapter 25

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A/N- play the song above when you see the  ###  for effect.

~ Louis' POV ~

Today was Christmas day and I cant think of a better way to wake up than having my boyfriend pepper kisses starting on my lips and making his way all the way down my torso and ending at tip of my extremely hard cock. 

His warm tongue swirling around my swollen head was driving me absolutely wild, its a good job I locked the door last night before we went to sleep. We definitely don't need a repeat of yesterday. 

As Harry started to take me into his mouth and bobbing his head slowly the knot in my stomach I had woken up with started to fade but it was still there in the back of my mind. I don't know what but something will happen today.

I can feel it and I'm never wrong. 

The harder Harry sucked the shallower my breath seemed to get, his warm mouth felt so good it was like a chorus of angels were singing but I didn't want to cum this way. We never got to finish what we started yesterday and I definitely wanted to. 

With that thought I gently pushed Harry back so he could stop sucking my soul out, every time he gives me a blowjob he takes a little piece of me with him I swear, his darkened green eyes burned into mine as he furrowed his brows in confusion as to why I was stopping him. 

My hand snaked its way round his neck, gripping it lightly but firmly and I felt him swallow while still looking up into my eyes from his position on the floor, slowly I guided him up off of his knees so he could straddle me on the bed. 

As soon as he was sitting on me, I ran my hands down his torso making sure to drag my nails across his skin; feeling every muscle with my fingertips till my arms had completely wrapped around him, ghosting over his hips and landing firmly on his lovely bum that gave a firm squeeze.

The little hum that fell from his lips before he licked his lips and began kissing me hungrily and sloppily was literally music to my ears, it sent a small shockwave through my entire body and I felt myself twitch under him. 

Harry and I had both been naked because thats how we liked to sleep, let the bits breathe and all that, so the way he was sitting on me and slowly grinding his hips against me was almost pushing me to the edge and I needed to be inside him the sooner the better. 

Never in my life have I ever wanted someone this much, it was hard to control myself as any time I was close to him I wanted to hear him moaning my name, I wanted to hear him become breathless from my touch, I wanted to feel him clenching around me as he came all over both of our torsos and I wanted to clean him up with nothing but my tongue. 

So without breaking our kiss that had become rough and intense extremely fast, our tongues tasting every part of each other and relishing in that flavour that completely intoxicated you, I removed one of my hands that had been groping his round ass and reached for the lube so I could open him up. 

A devilish thought swept through me and before I lubed up my fingers to slip them inside Harry, I  raised my hand and gave his bum a slap, not too hard but enough to to leave my handprint on his white creamy skin, Harry whimpered and bit his bottom lip while his eyes widened. I noticed his pupils blow out so much that there was only a thin green ring around them now. 

He definitely liked that... so I did it again and then again, rubbing my hand over the spot I was hitting to soothe the burn the same way I run my tongue over the hickeys I leave all over his body any chance I get, each time his whimpers slowly started tuning into moans and I could explode all over him just hearing that specific sound. 

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