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2 years ago

"I can't do this anymore. I don't trust ya, Y/N. You're not the Y/N I know." Niall said through the phone call. "J-Just please let me explain Niall." I pleaded.

"No Y/N. There's no need of explanation for this. Ya literally moved to another country without telling me. You do know how hard for us to even see each other even we were living in the same country but now you even move across the world."

"But I got an offer job here Niall. You know how much I love modeling. This is exactly why I don't want to tell you when I was offered here." I argued back.

"Is it that hard to tell me first before ya left London huh?" He sighed. I just knew by now I'm stressing him out even more.

"How can ya do this me? You're only thinking about yourself! We're done." He said then ended the call.

"Can you stop doing that?" Harry said interrupting my thoughts. "What?" I said. "You're literally destroying that magazine you're holding. What's up with you today?" He asked.

"I don't know!" I said starting to get even more frustrated. "Don't give me that attitude, Y/N. It won't work on me." Harry warned me.

I sighed in defeated. "Oh! It's about him. Again." He said then rolled his eyes on me. "I told you to meet him few days ago since he has a concert here but you didn't listen to me. Now you're being like that."

"It's not that easy you know? You're friends with him, you know him so well. He would just ignore me. Adding up the fact that all of your friends are there." I aruged back.

"What about them? They like you-" "There's no way they like me Harry. Everyone hates me. I'm even surprised you stick with me. They're blaming me about Niall's and I break up even though for fact Niall was the one who ended it." I interrupted him.

"No one hates you! You have Gigi and Zayn too! How many times do I have to tell you that! You're assuming and overthinking things." He said sounded so frustrated on me.

I mean I can't believe him. I've been doing this for so long. One of the reasons why my friends don't stick with me, because I'm always doing assumptions on everything. I even heard some of Niall's friends before telling Niall how toxic I was and blah blah blah.

It hurts. Everything hurts. I'm a human too? Everyone keep throwing hates on me and blaming me for a lot of things especially with hurting Niall.

I agree with that and I'm not denying it that I hurt Niall but it's not just my fault right? If Niall really loved me then why didn't he supported me instead he broke up with me.

"I'm going now. I have to do soundchecks. Are you coming?" Harry asked interrupting my thoughts. I shook my head. "I have rehearsals today. Got a call earlier but we can hangout when you're free again."

"Alright! By the way, Niall is still in town." Harry added. I raised my eyebrows on him. "Okay? Why are you telling me that? He has nothing to do with me. In fact he won't even want to see me. He hates my guts, Remember?"

Harry sighed. "You two are being stubborns again. I can't believe I'm friends with the both of you. Jesus Christ."

I smiled a little knowing that he really is frustrated on both of us. Harry really loves me and Niall so much that it affected him when we broke up.

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