Private (Part 2) (Request)

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Since most of ya wanted a part 2... Here ya go :) Enjoy !

4 months later

"What happened? Are you really going to continue ignoring me? Me?! Your best friend?" Kelly rants barging in at my apartment.

"Why did Niall suddenly disappeared? He is also ignoring Louis. Kept telling he's sorry. What is that?" She continues.

I remained silent ignoring all of her questions. To be honest I don't really have any energy to talk to anyone at the moment. Can't I just be alone?

All of my friends including some of me and Niall's close friends who knew about our relationship kept texting and asking me what happened. Did we broke up and stuff like that.

Honestly, it's so annoying. Why don't they ask Niall. Mostly this was his fault eh? And the fact the most of the people who knew our relationship didn't have any idea of Niall's stupid secret annoys me even more.

How dare he is to hide it from everyone? Most importantly who's the girl that he can't show off to everyone? Kinda feel bad for her tho. She had no idea Niall cheated on her.

God. It gives me goosebumps everytime I think I was the one he cheated on with his girlfriend.

"Hello! Earth to (Y/N)?" Kelly waving her hands in front of me interrupting my thoughts. "What?" I asked annoyed. "Can you please at least tell me what I did wrong?" She frowned.

I sighed. I have no other choice but to tell her anyway. I mean I've been avoiding everyone after what happened.

Can't believe it's been 4 months already. "You lied about telling me that Niall was single." She raised her eyebrows. "But everybody knows he was?"

"He's not. He told me everything 4 months ago before he suddenly disappeared. He lied to me, to everyone. It hurts Kelly. He has a girlfriend. I feel betrayed." I cried.

Kelly immediately scooted closer to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. If I knew I shouldn't have pushed you to him."

"It's okay Kelly because no one even knew. Maybe their friends but our close friends, Niall's and I close friends had literally no idea at all. He chose to hide it from everyone Kelly."

"I-I trusted him. He said he loved me b-but why did he do that? Why did he chose to hurt me? Hurt his girlfriend? Why does this have to happen to me every time." I added. My tears continue to fall from my cheeks.

"Shush. It's okay (Y/N). I'm sure Niall has a reason. Did you even allow him to talk?" She asked. "He just told me he's sorry and he lied and that he has a girlfriend. No more explanation about it." I hiccuped.

"Well then I'm sure he has reasons. Just give him time and allow him to talk to you okay?" I nodded. "Okay."

"I'll give Louis a heads up. Is that Alright? He's worried sick for the both of you." Kelly spoke. "Okay." I weakly said. "Alright I'll let you take some rest. I'll be here for few days to keep an eye on you. Okay? You can't say no by the way!" She then let go of me and allowed me to lay down.

She closed the lights and silently left my room. I wasn't sleepy at all so I kept my eyes fixed to my ceiling and allow my thoughts to flood inside my brain.

Until my phone dinged. Confused who could have texted me at this late hour. I frowned when I saw Niall's name popped up.

 I frowned when I saw Niall's name popped up

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