Protective (Request)

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Requested by: @niallerxpotatoes 

From the very beginning when Niall and I found out that I was pregnant, we were both scared and not ready. It was unexpected but our daughter was a blessing to us.

Although, I think we should at least have talked about it first but we weren't able to plan it. During the whole pregnancy journey, Niall's been worrying that he wouldn't be a good father.

He told me that he was scared and lost. Of course, it made me sad that he has to think of that but I made sure that he doesn't feel that way.

Niall did everything that he could to help me, he even took a break from his work and stayed at home with me to take care of everything.

At the hospital; during the delivery

Niall was worried. He keeps walking back and forth at the waiting area with (Y/N)'s best friend and Harry. "Mate, can you please stay still. She will be okay." Harry said.

"Yes, Niall, Harry's right. You were with her during the delivery but unfortunately, she passed out right after. Don't worry about it, Just like what the doctor said. She was just tired and weak during the session." Bethany remarked.

Niall sighed and listened to his best friends. He took a seat beside Harry and waited patiently for his lover to be okay. 15 minutes later, The doctor in charge of (Y/N) came out of the delivery room.

He quickly stood up and asked how it was. "Niall, you don't have to worry anymore. (Y/N) is resting and you may see her in a few. But, right now you can also go to the nursery room and see your beautiful daughter."

The doctor smiled and patted his shoulder. "Congratulations, Niall," she added.

Time flies, And now our daughter—Nathalia Haven Horan is already 19. Niall has obviously become extra protective of her since she's our first daughter.

Me and Niall both promise we won't let Nathalia feel like we're controlling her life but lately, she's been going out a lot which made Niall upset.

He told me he's just worried for our daughter's safety, especially since she's not a "normal person" because she's known as Niall Horan's first kid.

We do our best to make sure she still could enjoy her teenage years but it's not easy all the time. I remember when Niall and I were still new, I was so scared of getting spotted with him because of how people would react whenever Niall is seen with a girl.

Sometimes his fans are harsh and I wish they should also remember that Niall and I are just human too. We have feelings too...

Friday, I'm at the kitchen area preparing some breakfast for Nathalia and Niall. While I'm humming a random song, Nathalia appeared. "Good morning Mumma!" She kissed my cheek. "Hey, sweetheart. You're up early today eh?" I teased. "What's up?" I asked.

"Uhh..." She started. "Got a problem? Tell me." I encouraged her. "Well, I kind of want to ask permission if I could come with my friends later to celebrate one of our close friend's birthday." She nervously stated. "Until when?"

"We're coming home on Monday." She smiled. "Alright. But, you still need your father's approval." I warned her. "You know your dad already."

"But mumma, please help me out." She begged. "Alright. Tell him when he's up." I said. She suddenly jumped and hugged me tightly. "Yay! Thank you, mumma! I love you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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