He's Your Sister's Boyfriend

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Niall and I was bestfriends when we were on highschool but then when we moved here in America, he stop contacting me like he forgot about me.

My sister told me she have a boyfriend but she never told me who was her boyfriend and his name. She said his coming over this coming friday.

She and her boyfriend have been dating for since 6 months already.

There are times at night were I kept on crying because my mind keeps telling me that it was my fault why Niall suddenly stopped talking to me.

Besides Niall, I have another bestfriend who i've known since we were 3 yrs old. Her name is (Y/BFF/N). She knows everything about me and I know everything about her.

(Y/BFF/N) also moved in America since we're both getting the same course. She will be coming today.

Few minutes later, someone's knocking at my room door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Ya know who is it" (Y/BFF/N) sequeled.


Last year Niall and I were playing at the park then I told him that my mom and dad got an offer job in America which means we need to move in with them as well. But all he said was "Oh okay". After that he left the park without even glancing back at me. Since then he never talk to me. August was the month when we left Ireland. My parents went in Niall's house to say goodbyes at them but I didn't come knowing that Niall will just ignore me. But when we are on our way to the airport my mom told me that his parents was looking for me even Niall.

Suddenly (Y/BFF/N) spoke up and said "I keep thinking, What if Niall is your sister's boyfriend? Like didn't ya notice everytime I asked your sister to describe her boyfriend she keeps telling us it has a blue eyes, a blonde hair, sweet, etc. I mean I know Niall isn't the only one who has that but I can literally feel that Niall is her boyfriend."

I never said anything back on her instead I kept quiet for a few minutes then decided to change the topic. Lately, I was also thinking the same thing. There's a lot of things the my sister told about her boyfriend that also has Niall. But maybe we were just overthinking and making this up.


"(Y/N)? Honey, come down here." My mom shouted from downstairs. My mother knew about the situation and problem that had happened between me and Niall. "Coming mom!" I said.

But when I came down, all I want was to go upstairs again. I don't have any energy to come face to face with them right now.

There is it! (Y/BFF/N) was right. It's true! Niall is my sister's boyfriend.

"(Y/N), I know you already know him." My sister said. I nodded. "Uh huh. If may I excuse myself I need to finish my homeworks. I'll be back later." I said exiting the living room and went upstairs once again.

I decided to lay down on my bed and tried to distract myself. I heard my door opened and I knew that it was my mom.

"Honey I know it's hard for you, but you have to accept it that he is your sister's boyfriend." My mom spoke up.

"I know mom, but everytime I see him I feel guilty and I keep blaming myself, that is was all my fault." I sighed. "I understand. Whenever you're ready you can come down and join us alright?" She kissed my forehead and left my room.

After 15 mins

I went downstairs to get some water and I was suprised to see them having fun at the living room. I didn't gave the a quick glance and I just went straight to the kitchen and got some water.

Niall went to bathroom but since I had no idea he went their we bumped on each other. Then Niall gently grabbed my wrist and spun me so we're facing each other.

"Well, It's been a long time (Y/N)." he said. I didn't utter a word and remained silent. "Do you even remember me? Do you still know me?" He asked. "O-Of course, I didn't forgot you Niall. Why would you say that?" I replied.

"Then why did you just left me and never came say goodbye?" He weakly asked. "I told you, I didn't want to leave but my parents said we had to come with them. The reason why I never showed up and said goodbyes because I knew I can't. That if I saw you, I would never come with them and stayed with you." I said avoiding his stare.

"I get it but it's too late. We can't go back and correct the past." He said. "I know. I'm sorry." He nodded and gave me a small smile and left me.

after that conversation, we never interacted again. we barely talked for the sake of my sister.

( A/N ) ;
Hi, decided to edit this and I have no idea where this is coming from. totally random i know so i'm sorry :(

I hope you're doing alright! Have a great day <3

Always remember you are valid, loved and important! Drink your water and stay safe! 🤍

All the Love, E.

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