It's time to celebrate New Year's Eve again. 2020 came by quickly. So many things had happened this year. "Babe we're going to Shawn's tonight. He's throwing a party eh?" Niall shouted from downstairs. "Alright babe. I'm almost done." I shouted back.
It's still pretty early like around 8 in the morning. We usually eats breakfast outside or either take a walk. But right now we're going to just eat.
Niall woke up around 5:30 and he's already ready downstairs. I don't know what's up with that Irish guy why he suddenly wokes up early because usually he's the last one to wake up.
I was busy putting a little make up when suddenly Niall appeared at the door. "Ya look pretty babe." He smirked. "Thanks mister! And you look handsome." I smiled.
Here's a look of our outfits this morning :
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"I'll wait ya downstairs alright?" He said then went to me to kissed my forehead. I nodded and continued doing my make up and curled my hair a little.
I can't believe 2020 is almost over. So many things had happened to us. It's so challenging & hard but at least we survived. That's the most important thing.
After getting ready I closed our room door then went straight downstairs only to see Niall eating sweets. His back is facing me so he didn't notice that I'm here already.
"Boo!" "Shit!" Niall jumped. I laughed. "You're so concentrated eating that so you didn't notice I already came down." I smiled. "Sorry babe. I was bored and a lil' bit hungry already." He scratched the back of his head.
"I'm sorry for you waiting for too long. Let's get going." I said then pulled him out of the house. "Geez! Slow down young lady." He stated. I just chuckled.
"Where are you taking me this time babe?" I asked after hopping inside his car. "At a cafeteria babe. I know how much ya love pancakes & coffee." He winked. "YAYY!!!" I cheered.
We spent the morning outside then went home around 12 in the afternoon. "Oh babe what time is the party later?" I asked. "Around 7 pm babe." He said. "Oh okay." I said.