Private (Part 3) (Request)

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Final and last part is here.... Enjoy <3

1 year later

"Darlin' !!!! Where are ya?" Niall shouted from the downstairs. "In here!" I shouted back peaking my head through the closet door.

I heard Niall's footsteps so I went inside the closet room again. A year after the whole incident I found myself moving in with Niall with his suggestion.

Since he said that it would be hard for us to see each other even more if I'm still in London, he suggested the plan B. moving in together. Kinda hard decision but we settled it by we will still be visiting London and stay there for a while and be back here in LA after.

We still kept our promise that we will continue to have a private relationship although once in a while we post something on our social media about us. Nowadays it is really hard to do anything you want or to share anything you want on the social media.

"Hey petal? Earth to (Y/N)!" Niall said snapping me out of my thoughts. "H-Huh?" He chuckled and gently caress my cheeks. "I said it's time for our relax time. S'Already 8 pm love. Ya Alright?"

"W-What? 8 pm? The last time I checked it was only 5." I mumbled. "Yep. Have no idea what you're doing here but as I see you are randomly cleaning again this room even though it's already clean!"

"I'm sorry. You were busy on doing live earlier. Got bored a little and no choice since I can't annoy you downstairs." I frowned. He just smiled at me and brought me to his arms giving me his famous Horan hugs.

"S'Okay, I'm all yours now. Owe me fans with the instagram live so kinda gave them one earlier." He smiled. "I understand. I'm sure they were so happy with seeing you doing that. Anyway, what movie are we watching this time?" I excitedly asked.

"Don't know darling. It's your turn to pick eh?" He raised his eyebrows at me. I didn't answer back instead I gently pulled him out of the room and dragged him to the theater room downstairs.

"Slow down darling." He laughed. "I am careful!" I defended. I stopped at the kitchen area to grab some snacks and drinks while still holding Niall's hand secured on my left hand. "Why am I even allowing you to do this to me." He frowned.

"Sorry Horan, got no choice here. Okay! I'm done picking let's go now." He just shook his head probably so done with me already. He got used to this side of mine that only him can see and let me be it without judging me.

Keeping our relationship private was the best decision we both agreed on especially that we knew how much people gets in with his personal life and sometimes it's getting too much and out of hands.

It's not that his afraid to show me off or vice versa, It's just we are just being careful since mostly part of his fans doesn't really fond me from the start. Thinking I'm only going to hurt Niall and stuff like that.

It hurts but I have to keep it in myself. I knew from the start committing to this will also means committing on letting them get in my life too. Ever since Niall posted me on his Instagram, everyone was quick to do research about my background life.

Of course, A lot like a lot threw me some hateful comments even got random death threats which I truly don't understand why do some people are horrible and can actually say those things?

I didn't even do anything. I mean, their idols are human too. They can love who ever the fuck they want. It's their decision to make. I understand that they're just protecting their idols but at the end of the day, their idols are the responsible for their actions.

Now I fully understand why most of the celebrities kept their relationship secret or private, it's because of that. People should watch their mouths or think about what they're going to say on the internet.

"Can we watch a kdrama series tonight?" I asked Niall while I scroll through our Netflix. "Your choice darling. Anything ya want." He smiled getting cozy at his spot and carefully putting his arm at the back of the couch.

"Okay then let's watch "It's Okay Not To Be Okay"." I said then pressed the series. I quickly dropped my head to Niall's shoulder as I made myself comfy beside him.

Midway of the series I am lost again with my thoughts.

What if I didn't gave Niall a second chance? Will he still fight for us? How long are we gonna keep this relationship private? Are we really the endgame? Or this is just temporary?

Or maybe I am just dreaming? What if I never actually met Niall? Okay this is ridiculous. Stop it (Y/N).

"Darlin'?" Niall spoke. "We finished 8 episodes. You're lost with your own thoughts again. What's up? Wanna talk about it? Keep noticing you eh? M'worried." He frowned.

He then paused the series and turned himself completely to me to let me know I have his full attention.

This is one of the things I love when we just randomly start talking on each other about anything, checking up or letting out our thoughts to each other.

"I'm okay Niall." I said looking at his pretty blue eyes. "Are ya sure? Ya know ya can tell me anything yeah?" I nodded and gave him a small smile. "I know that."

"It's just, I just randomly thinking about us, about your fans, about our relationship being private or if we are going to lasts? Something like that but those are just nonsense random thoughts." I shrugged.

It was silent for a few minutes until Niall spoke. "I get where you're coming petal. I also think about those things too! But never ever let them get you in the way. It's only their opinions at the end of the day. You. Are still the one who knows the real truth."

I nodded. Suddenly avoiding his stare. I don't know why I'm intimidated with him at the moment. "I'm sorry if it's hard for us to hangout on public. Can't have a proper date without getting mobbed."

He gently removed few strands of my hair out of my face. Cupping my face to force me to look at him. "You're overthinking again eh?" He frowned.

"N-No. Ugh Maybe I am. I don't know. I'm just scared Niall. I can't lose you again. I don't think I'll be able to be okay after that. I'll be honest with you, sometimes the hates are affecting me but I wanted to be strong and show them it won't be the reason to destroy our relationship."

"You're my first real relationship, Niall. I am lucky to call you mine cheesy as it sounds but it's true." I pouted.

Niall gave me a bright smile and chuckled lightly. "I love you, (Y/N)." He then kissed my temple. "I love you more, Niall."

A/N :
Hi sunshines!! A quick update since it's Friday ! :) Have you watched Niall's guest host in Jimmy Kimmel Live?

Anyway, Have a lovely day beautiful people ! <3

All the Love, E.

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