23: Jonah

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Jonah's POV:
"Run!" Anastasia yelled to us.

We ran as fast as we possibly could across the arena the footsteps of soldiers behind us catching up. I heard a scream and turned to see Anastasia fighting a soldier who grabbed her.

She punched him but he struck her across the face making her stumble backwards. Other guards were going for Landon, Serena and I.


Landon and Serena made it to the end of the arena and watched us. I turned and watched Anastasia screaming and fighting as they tried to drag her back.

We locked eyes and her eyes teared up. "Leave without me! Go!" She yelled desperately. The guard caught her and struggled to put her back in handcuffs.

Serena and Landon waited for us anxiously. They had no clear way out either and I was starting to think we were screwed.


I ran to them and punched the soldier across the face. He lessened his grip on her and she bit his hand making him stumble back with a yelp. He released Anastasia and we started running towards Landon and Serena.

"Hurry!" Landon yelled.

Then the soldiers started firing at us. Anastasia screamed at the loud noises. I grabbed Anastasia and started running faster and we ducked and swerved as best we could.

The guards were still chasing us and I felt a bullet fly past my head. A couple inches closer and it would've hit its target. These men didn't want to just capture us anymore, they wanted us dead.

We reached the end of the arena and we slipped outside just to stop immediately.

What the fuck?

A cliff with the biggest drop ever seen. Below was a dark body of water. There was no other way out unless back into the palace and that was definitely not an option.

The guards were still making their way over to us probably thinking they've caught us.

I glanced at Anastasia who took a shaky deep breath. Landon and Serena stood beside us holding hands too. "Together."

We accepted our fate and when the soldiers ran out after us we were already falling.

Down, down, down we went.

The cold wind felt like a slap to my face but I didn't break my eyes away from Anastasia. I didn't let go of her. She shut her eyes and I did too as cold water engulfed us.

I swam up and Anastasia looked a bit panicked.

I grabbed her because I realized she didn't know how to swim. With her by my side, I swam forward with the current. Landon and Serena weren't far behind.

The water was choppy and Anastasia struggled to keep up even though I held onto her tightly. The waves were crashing against us and the water was ice cold. Anastasia's lips were turning blue and I had no doubt mine were too.

For the first time since I'd met her, genuine fear was in her eyes.

We swam further and I whispered. "We are going... to be okay." My teeth chattered and she nodded.

"Land!" Landon shouted happily.

We all headed towards a sandy beach and I was never more thankful in my life than in this moment to have seen it.

I glanced at Anastasia who was watching me with glassy eyes. Her black hair was wet around her and her body as well. Her body which I now noticed was barely covered under that cloak. Her top was fine but her bottom was all very visible since white gets practically transparent when wet.

I tried not to think about it as I got us closer to safety.

"We made it." She whispered to me with a small relieved smile and I continued swimming.

"We did. Thanks to you."


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