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Anastasia's POV:

a year later...

"It's this way," I said leading Judith, her brother Axel, Maddox and Jonah to a cabin.

Ever since King Santiago's reign ended the millions of witches that he had taken captive had no home. Their villages had been destroyed so Jonah and I gave them places to stay.

Judith and her brother were witches so I gave them a cabin in the woods where their magic could flourish and where they could be comfortable. It was hidden away but not too far from the capital, that if they needed anything it wouldn't be too far.

Not many humans like witches so for the witch's safety, it's better they are separate.

I glanced back to see if they were still there, still walking forward and I almost tripped over a tree root. "Be careful," Jonah said grabbing my arm. His eyes concerned.

"Brother you act as if she's some doll in a glass case, she'll be fine. One little trip won't kill her." Maddox said.

Jonah opened his mouth to say something but I gave him a warning look. "Do not say anything. You get offended by every little thing he tells you." I whispered. Maddox walked ahead, hands in his pockets. He was quiet.


Judith laughed behind us and I glanced at her. She made a whip sound and I giggled.

Yes, he is whipped.

At that thought I grabbed his hand in mine and smiled to myself. He gave me a puzzled look but tightened his hold on my hand anyways.

"Are we there yet? Carrying these bags is getting heavy." Axel complained a few steps behind everyone else. He was practically dragging the bags through the dirt at this point.

"Yes, we are almost there." Jonah nudged me. "We should've brought our carriage."

I ignored him because it was spring and it was beautiful outside. That's why I suggested we should walk there. It isn't a long walk. It isn't my fault if this guy doesn't ever work out and can't carry 3 small bags.

I'd probably be able to carry them to and from without complaining once.

Maddox grabbed a few of his bags and grinned at Judith who just rolled her eyes.

There goes Maddox flirting again...

We arrived at the small wooden cabin. The garden around it was full of colorful flowers and there were overgrown shrubs all over the place. The cabin was tall but didn't have much width. There was a chimney and a small wooden fence. I noticed it was somewhat damaged so I made a note to send someone to repair it.

We entered and they looked around at the 2 bedrooms. The small kitchen and dining table are in front. It was small but comfortable. It had lots of windows and natural lighting. The inside was stocked with wooden furniture.

Judith turned to me and smiled. "Thank you, Anastasia. I love it."

I grabbed her hands in mine. "It's nothing. You helped me a while back and I really did mean it when I said that I was going to repay you. If you ever need anything do not be afraid to ask me." She had tears in her eyes.

She nodded and her brother approached us. He shook both mine and Jonah's hands. "Thank you Your Majesties. If you ever need any witchy favors do not be afraid to get us." He said winking at me.

I laughed. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." I smiled back at him. They looked so happy in their new home.

Jonah rolled his eyes and glared at Axel. So jealous...

I rested my cheek on Jonah's arm and he looked down at me. He seemed to relax when I did this.

Maddox helped them carry their bags into their bedrooms.

He was talking to Judith with a big goofy grin on his face and she just looked annoyed. "If you ever need anything Judith call me. Even if you don't need anything you could still call me." Maddox said as we walked out the door. He looked like a doofus.

Judith laughed. "Oh, I doubt I'll ever be needing anything from you. But I'll think about it." She rolled her eyes, basically shoving him out the door with her hands.

Maddox smiled and nodded his head. "I'll look forward to hearing from you then."

"I said I'd think about it nothing more." She said crossing her arms. They stood at the door toe to toe. Wow, Maddox has met his match.

"You may think about it all you want... but I know you will be calling eventually." He teased with a toothy grin.

I laughed and pulled him to us so he'd leave and stop embarrassing himself.

Judith laughed and waved at me. "Goodbye, Your Majesty!" She walked back inside shutting her wooden door. It had a sign on it saying, Judith and Axel. I had it hung up before they moved in.

"Goodbye, Judith!"

I turned and started walking back with Jonah and Maddox.

"Let's go boys," I said hooking my arms through both of their arms. We strolled back home.

I looked at both of them and thought of Trojan, Landon, Serena, Queen Elise, and even Dimitri back home. This is my family now. I finally have the family I always wanted.

I have a home now.

A home full of life, love, and happiness. I don't know what I ever did to deserve this and I know my parents are proud of me, wherever they may be.

I glanced at Jonah. I let go of Maddox and wrapped my arms around his waist. He looked surprised but returned the embrace.

"What?" He asked.

"You're my family, my love. I'm so happy to have you." I meant every word.

"Forever and ever darling."

Maddox chuckled and wrapped his arms around the both of us. "Don't exclude me from this. You guys are my family too." I was wrapped in their long arms and tall bodies.

We laughed and Jonah patted his brother's shoulder. "Yes, you are brother."

"I love you too Maddox," I told him, lightly pushing him away because I was suffocating underneath his hug.

He smiled. "I love you too Anastasia. Best sister-in-law ever."

We all laughed and headed home.

"Hey! I'm your only sister-in-law!" I said punching his arm.

The end.

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