29: Jonah

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Jonah's POV:
As I walked into the house my brothers were staying in my father pulled me aside.


He chuckled. "I didn't think I'd ever see the day where you'd introduce a woman to me... I like her for you."

"So do I." I said out loud for the first time. I even surprised myself.

"Where'd she come from? I know she isn't royalty."

"Around." I said not wanting him to know her background just yet. I'd wait to tell others about it because I don't think they'd trust her if they knew she was wanted by King Santiago.

He cocked an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes at me. "Alright... well I'll be ready for the answer to that question whenever you choose to stop keeping her a secret." He turned and started walking back to his house.

I sat down at the table next to Landon. On my other side was Nicholas and in front of me was Dimitri. It was a bit evident that Maddox and Trojan weren't here. We could feel their absence.

We were drinking liquor and sitting around the table. I didn't want to go back just yet not because I didn't want to see Anastasia but because I knew she was angry at me and I didn't want to be on the receiving side of that anger.

"Do you think King Santiago's daughter is hot?" Nicholas asked out of the blue.

"If she takes after her father... definitely not." Dimitri answered honestly.

"I've never seen her but apparently she's beautiful. She takes after her mother and her mother was beautiful before she died." Landon said.

"Doesn't matter if she's hot or not... she's her fathers daughter which means she must be fucking crazy." I said making them all laugh.

"I met Anastasia earlier Jonah." Nicholas said.

"And?" I asked.

"She was very pretty and seemed happy. A type of happy you only get after certain activities. Have you been holding out information?"

I shrugged and they laughed.

"I wonder why he's not telling us... mr. 30 seconds." Dimitri joked.

They all burst into laughter and I scowled.

When I was 18 I had my first girlfriend and she got mad at me so she told me no sex for 2 weeks. I was hornier than ever and when she finally gave me my release through a blowjob... I lasted 30 seconds.

It was probably one of the most embarrassing moments in my life especially when she laughed at me afterwards.

Now they don't ever forget that story and I don't even know how they found out.

"God you're such a joke brother." Dimitri said.

"Shut up Dimitri."

"You can talk when you could tell me you've lasted longer than that." He says.

"I have. That was one time." I said annoyed.

Landon chuckled. "How come it takes a war to start for us to all be sitting and talking peacefully?"

We all agreed.

"Just goes to show the psychopaths we truly are." Nicholas said holding up his drink and gulping it down.

Dimitri stands and we all do too. "I'm going to sleep now. Wake me up if they come. If they don't and you wake me up I'll kill you." He said and walked out without another word. His tone was serious and it was obviously not a joke. I didn't doubt he'd actually kill me if I did wake him.

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