Attempted Suicide

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"How will we know if they left?" I asked Drea impatiently.

"Come with me." she said quietly.

I followed her out of the lounge to the door of the dungeons, but instead of leading me down the stairs, she led me through a door to the left, which once through it I saw a spiral stairway going upwards.

After a very long time of walking up the stairs, we reached a high, huge balcony. It was round, and you could see all of the grounds when you turned around. I felt like I was on top of the world.

"Wow." was all I could say.

"We're not allowed up here, so shush!" Drea whispered.

"Oh, sorry." I whispered back.

"Come over here." she waved me over to where she crouched. I crouched down, too, and peered over to where she was pointing.

We were just in time to see Vera and Dimitri run into the woods, holding hands. I scowled at the thought of her even tolerating him enough to let him touch her.

"Phase two, get Darius out of here."

Drea said, full volume now.

"Why were we whispering?" I asked her.

"Because he might have heard us." she explained.


We ran down the stairs again, not sure how long Vera would be able to keep Dimitri away.

We ran down the stairs of the dungeon, down the hallway of cells, and barged through the doors where Darius was being held.

"Ow!" he said as we quickly stripped him of his bindings. He sat up, massaging his wrists. "So, we ready?"

"Yeah. Come on, Dimitri could be back soon."

"Whatever." he mumbled, but sprinted after us as we only jogged down the hallway of cells and up the stairs.

Once we were at the top, Drea had Darius get on her back, and then we sprinted at top speed down the corridors and out of the castle.

We reached the village in only a couple of minutes. Darius climbed off of Drea, slightly dizzy.

"Jeez." he said, amazed. "You guys run pretty fast."

"Tell me about it." Drea said. "Now, Alivia, stay here with Darius. I'll be right back." and then she was gone.

"Where'd she go?" Darius asked.

"Probably to make sure Dimitri isn't anywhere near your house." I replied.

We waited for awhile, and then Drea returned. "We're ready."

We snuck over to Darius' house, Drea in front, me in the back. We waited until he waved from his window, and then we left, excited to come back and see if Darius found any way that we could become human again

Drea and I returned home, and it was about another hour until Dimitri and Vera came back.

I had been lounging on a couch in front of the fireplace, reading my favorite book, Fallen, when I heard Vera come in. I put the book down and stood up, but when I faced her, I knew something was wrong. She was panting and she had the most panicked look on her face I had ever seen.

"Vera, what---?"

"It didn't work!" she gasped.

"What do you mean it didn't work?" Drea asked, walking into the room.

Vera spoke so fast that Drea and I could barely understand her. "We caught your scents while we were hunting, and Dimitri got mad. We came back. He's in the dungeon now, so I came here to warn you-"

"Drea, Vera, and Alivia." We all heard his voice from the doorway. I slowly looked to see him with a cool, blank expression on his face, but I could tell that he was struggling not to lose it.

He lifted his arms, then let them fall to his sides. "Why?" was all he said.

"Master," Vera breathed pleadingly. "I didn't know-"

"Yes you did." he said coldly, his anger starting to seep through. His eyes were a blazing ebony fire. I was a little frightened; I had never seen Dimitri like this before. Vera flinched away from his gaze, it was so powerful.

"You two." he pointed to Drea and me. "Why?"

"You were going to starve him. What else could we do?" I said quietly before Drea could say anything.

"How did I know that you were the ringleader?" Dimitri laughed in cold mirth, throwing his hands up in the air. "Do you know what just irks me the most, Alivia, is that I thought that you were done defying me."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. Defying? What was I, his slave?

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Drea laughed, but their was no humor in hers either. "You thought that we were finally going to bow down to you?" she addressed Dimitri this time. "You expect us to do whatever you want, act how you want, and be who you you want us to be. You don't actually care about us, do you? You just want us around for company, for running your errands, and for a sense of power over someone."

Wow. That just about summed up everything I felt.

"Drea, you know that it isn't like that." his voice softened.

"Oh really? Then why do you care if we let an innocent person go?" I demanded. He directed his frustrated gaze at me.

"Because he wasn't innocent. He had hurt you. I was only trying to figure out what he had done to you."

He back turned to Drea. "How can you call that not caring?"

"I can call that caring for her!" Drea cried. "You don't love me, and you never have. You've always regretted creating me."

"Oh, Drea." he brushed her cheek gently with his hand. "How could you not tell me that that was how you felt?"

"You never cared about what I had to say!" she said, crying now. Her tears gushed our of her eyes and dripped off of her chin. She slapped his hand off and ran from the room.

For a few minutes, we were all silent, but then we all heard a bloodcurdling shriek of agony from far away.

In a split second, we were all sprinting down the corridors and up the stairs to the balcony where Drea and I had been only a couple hours ago.

"No!" Dimitri shouted.

Drea was burning in the light of the sunrise on the ground, screaming as the flames burned away her clothes, skin and hair.

Dimitri pulled her burning body into the shady part of the balcony, and the flames immediately vanished. All that was now left of Drea was a singed body with burnt clothes and short, blackened hair. She no longer screamed, but breathed in shuddering, gasping breaths. She was still crying, but I didn't know if it was because of the burns or her pain of feeling neglected.

Me and Vera collapsed to the ground, holding each other and sobbing. Drea had tried to kill herself!

I was shocked to see that Dimitri was crying as well. He clutched Drea to his chest while tears flowed silently down his face.

We all remained there until I snapped out of the daze at what had happened. I composed myself and approached Dimitri, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Dimitri, it is almost noon. We'll all burn if you stay here, and you're only prolonging her suffering while we wait."

Dimitri nodded. He picked Drea up who was now unconscious, and he walked down the stairs to the end room of the dungeons, and Vera and I followed him.

"Will she survive?" Vera whimpered as he placed Drea on the table, still gasping unconsciously for air.

"I do not know. The only thing we can do is wait and see."

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