love runs out

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The table could not have a worse seating plan. Brent was next to alex, which the relationship they have Is rocky. Riley and Dana are separated by Chris, Riley's final boyfriend, who never got over her, but she doesn't need to know that. I was placed in between Demi and Julia, I got a feeling by Brent's smirk and Alex's panic eyes that Brent and Julia switched seats when no one was looking.

"This is fantastic." Riley says taking a bite of her steak.

"Who made it?" Brent asks, looking up as he puts his glass of wine down. We don't posses wine in this house, Julia brought it. Brent stopped her from bringing weed too. Good thing, because I would've killed her.

"Carly did." Dana says when it was clear the discomfort I was feeling was making me nervous.

"Makes sense. So Carly, I heard you got a new girl, is this true?" Julia asks, looking expectantly toward me.

"Yeah, and?"

"Just asking. thought we could relive some old times. I missed you."

I shift uncomfortably as Julia's hand slides on to my thigh. Demi was pissed, her glare could've burned a hole if looks could do anything.

After dinner, we all sat around the living room.Riley and Dana sat with eachother on the loveseat,Brent was on the floor next to Julia who sat on the couch next to me, next to Dems. I swear this was planned previously by her because this was definitly not a coincedence.

" Ok, so I've been thinking. I don't know half of you, so why don't we talk about memories we had with eachother to get to know eachother?" Demi said. Why she couldn't just ask me their relations with me and other stuff she wants to know, I don't understand.

"I think that's a fantasic idea.Ill go first. Carly, do you remeber that night we went camping and snuck out of are tents?" Julia asks with a smile. Here we go.

"Yes' how could I forget?"

"What did you do onthe camping trip" Demi asks. Curious George better run out of questions imediatly because this could go south really fast.

" ill give you a general overview of them all. We got really close and had a lot of fun. Eventually we grew so close that we became almost girlfriends, but not officially. One day, months after our first kiss, we had been talking and somehow she. Got really upset and left me. Now she's here and I'm still feeling the same way I used to." The caree in her voice angered me. The story made me seem like the bad one. She's the witch here, not me.

"You never felt anything." I mumble hoping only Demi could hear, so she knew the truthand no one would object. Cough cough julia.

" I loved you. I still do." Once her fingers settle between mine my eyes widen. The flashes of our past together have this exact same position of our hands splattered all over them.

" bullshit. It was alla game with you. You'd mess with my feelings like I was a toy. I loved you, but it was a one way street. My biggest regret is that I didn't open my eyes enough to know that you were lying to me."

" I never-"

" don't you say that! Don't you dare say you never lied. Everything we once were was a lie."the low growl was my warning but her response sent me over the edge."

"You lied. You said through thick and thin but the second things got hard you, you were the one to bail."

"We meant nothing to you. You pretended to love me you bastard. You never did. Never. For gods sake! I'm sorry I'm not a whore. I wasn't going to continue chasing something invisible anymore. Don't come in here and tell everyone how in love we were, there was no love-"

"I bet your girlfriend is all that holds you back. Just let her go, Carly. We both know what you said isn't true. She doesn't even have to know. Everyone here can keep a secret."

We were both standing at that point, the shocked and angry faces a backround to the monster before me. I lost it. I grabbed her hair and pushed her over the green couch and to the floor behind it. I was on top of her, screaming inaudible hatred, sadness, and most of all regrets to the past I had with her. All the artificial love and the sex that couldn't be more real. That relationship killed me for months. I hardly talked for weeks. No one understood, the one I thought would always be there was the one to leave me in peices. I straddled her and hit her repeatedly. She occasionally got a hit on me, the hit to my nose caused blood to start gushing and gave her a chance to get a few hits in. That all stopped when the vivid memory of her telling me forever and always while having sex and drinking until we were shitfaced gave me enough strength to knock the glass vace off the table and hit her in the head with it.

Chris pulled me off her blood body. She was bleeding a lot. Deffinitly wasn't dead, but weak. I don't think she even needs stitches. It hurt knowing I hurt someone I used to love. But what hurt more than anything was the terrified looki received from from everyone. The look I got from my girlfriend made me want to die in a hole.

I couldn't sink it in, how bad I felt, because Demi ran to my rroom and slammed the door in tears


This chapter will under go magor renovation once I get the time. You're all fantastic and thank you for reading despite my severe lack of talent . Vote and comment your thoughts! Early update=reno will most likely happen then. Happy sunday

Scratches, Bruises, and Bullet Holes (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now