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30-40-50, as I drive, I'm looking at my clock worriedly with each passing minute, my speed increase like my anxiety. Hopefully there is no traffic, because by the way things are going, I just might floor it. I want to feel relieved that all this is happening, but it wasn't her decision to see me. Wilmer decided for her. At least she isn't dating him. But what if she doesn't want to see me? I mean, I look pathetic. I am pathetic. I look like I just came from a run to Walmart. Jeans missing more material than what's left, a grey Grateful Dead t-shirt, so ratty it makes me look like the homeless stoner behind the shell station on Frasier Ave, my maroon sweatshirt Brent gave me when it was raining a few years back and I only had a tank top on, and my disheveled hair that I try to straighten out a little while driving. I'm about to turn around I'm such a mess, but then i think of what I'll go back to to protect me from whatever I've been fighting off. Nothing, I have all my walls broken for this and an army that is shared. I'm fighting myself and my conscience. I need her, let's just hope she needs me too.

I see the lights for the airport and speed up to sixty until I reach the gate and act like I didn't blow thirty past the speed limit. When I'm allowed in, I bolt, not even waiting for the shuttle to come. I got a reasonable spot so I follow a bus moving towards the building. I run past the shuttle by the time I've reached the main entrance and sprint around the place, looking for the sign of flights. I see Santa Fe on the fourth row of red dots that form locations around the country. It says gate seven. I run to the sign that says gates 1-29 and under it, constantly avoiding woman with crying children, lost people that just got off their planes, and men on phones with slick black briefcases. She probably wants to see Wilmer more than anyone else. I don't want to deal with her the entire time we're in the car to go wherever I'm supposed to take her. I haven't even figured out how to explain my happenings to her or this to anyone. It doesn't matter, I'm here, and I'm going to get my girl back.

I stand at the opposite wall of gate four, where Demi will be able to see me. I look around, brushing my eyes over everything since the airport is a place I've only been in once before, when I moved here. The white walls are loud with the noises of intercoms and groups of people within and it seems every other child has found it perfectly to wipe at least one booger somewhere on the wall. This is why instead of leaning on the wall, I chose the alternative of shifting foot to foot. All these people are dressed all fancy and I'm just me. All these people, and not one knows how to walk in a straight
fucking line! I didn't take the time to think about it when I was running here, but there are perfectly parallel lines on the floor and instead, people are erratically walking about, suitcase, briefcase, or for the old woman that just left gate two, a glass vase, both slow and fast to get to an exit. They move plenty, unless there is someone in the current path of walking, then they decide to chose a direction. In thinking about this alone I've almost gotten hit three times. It's not bumper cars, go away, and Alex wonders why I hate people....

I look directly to my left. The man next to me has two girls on his other side, one is his age, probably late forties, early fifties. Both of them have grey streaks in their equally brown hair, the man having dull green eyes behind thick glasses to go with it. The woman, is blocked by this frail being who coughs as he holds up a small white board that I can't see clearly enough to read. As they wait impatiently, the woman bickers and since I didn't bring anything to focus on besides my thoughts,of which I don't want to listen to, I decide to listen in.

"- can't believe you haven't checked the mail in almost two weeks, Herbert. There are bills and other important things that need our attention, you can't just leave them unattended!"

"I was on a business trip, honey. I didn't get back until late last night and had to organise the plan for the companies file management today. I will do it when we get home." Herbert sighs

The woman continues to bicker to the man, and he just says 'yes dear', obviously to tired and preoccupied to argue. That's the kind of man anyone looking for one should want, doesn't care who started it, but will end it because that's what is best for everyone.

The woman next to the one that I presume to be his wife, looks nothing the older couple. She's blond, with eyes so dark they're nearly black, and is probably in her mid twenties, now that the other woman has shifted, I see the baby she bounces on her hip patiently while the very young child, two at most, has his eyes closed, and is slowly but surely falling asleep. Even though it's s rhythm that puts a lot of babies to sleep, she is trying to keep him awake.

"Come on, Jesse, just a few more minutes and you can meet your daddy!"

Then I realize it, the sign the older man holds is for the dad. I look over and read welcome home, Jason!!! The adorable little boy on his young mothers hip with the dark brown hair and tired eyes, has never met his father.

I look at the gate when the chatting around me comes to an immediate halt. Person after person, they come through the box like hallway, but none are Demi so far, instead I see a child with a baby doll holding a young mans hand, a middle aged woman in monkey pajamas, and a bunch of other people I don't glance at twice.

I forget them the second I see a short young woman with short black hair and brown eyes looking around with a hoodie on, trying not to be noticed. She doesn't see me at first, she just continues to carry her red purse on her shoulder and looking around. I step forward, waving to her half heartedly because the opinions of the left differ from the right. The simple motion was small, but enough to catch her attention. The mix of emotions she has express themselves for a second of a timeframe each before being replaced by the next. Then she sighs deeply and walks up to me, nothing but confusion and anger are shown in her flawless features.

"Do I get a hug?" I ask with a smile, trying to look relaxed as I can in this situation. She had stopped about five feet away as if I was going to hurt her. I don't see why, but then I think of the sole reason she ended it was my violent impulse against Wilmer. Maybe she has a right to be cautious, I'm a disaster.

"You don't deserve a hug." She sneers. "You might hit me afterwards."

Ouch. I don't want it show that it hurt but I guess the reaction was involuntary because Demi immediately softens and comes up to me, giving me a tight hug and looking me into the eyes. "Listen." She says starting to prepare her lips by licking them for the long, mouth drying speech she's preparing in this moment.

"Shh. Let's just go, ok? Airports aren't exactly a place to argue and explain." I protest. She just nods, words holding back from being voiced.

We start to go to baggage claim and I only look back when I see men in blue company shirts closing the gate doors. I notice a split second before the family I stood next to did.
No one was left, Jason, the army father, son and husband, wasn't coming home. In the large pile of mail left unchecked by Herbert in their house, is a letter from the army saying he had fallen in battle or was lost to illness and infection. What isn't in that letter, but is made clear is, the little boy on Jason's wife's hip will never meet his daddy.
The beginning is bad, The ending is sad. But it's a little longer, sorry for the wait, finals were going on. But schools out! So updates will be easier to produce. Thank you for reading, vote, comment your thoughts on the book/characters/chapter, follow and share if you like.

Sorry forget last night!

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