The Car

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I jerk the car on the other side of the white line, and Demi has to hold either side of the headrest behind me to stay in position. The second the car came to a stop, Demi's hips thrust onto mine and her hands go under my jaw lines, pulling my face to hers. I undo my seat belt and grab her hips as she continued to grind against me. Suddenly her lips pull from mine and as she lifts her head her hot breathe goes against my skin.

"I love you," she says with her eyes still closed. I can't help but smile as my forehead is touched by her lips.

"I love you too."

Then the make out continues. Demi and I pull at each other's bodies and clothes as we let our tongue explore and our passion radiate out every pore.
I tug at Demi's shirt and she obliges, lifting it over her head then throwing her lips against mine.

Not long after, my shirt is what breaks our kiss as its thrown over me and into the backseat. All of a sudden, I here a click. My chair starts to go back and I squeal, causing Demi to giggle against my lips. The hand that was once on the chair adjuster moves to my pants. Then Demi's other hand goes down and unbuttons them before her right hand slips between two layers of fabric. She starts rubbing me through my panties and I let out increasingly loud moans.

She takes her lips off mine and I pout, but not for long. Demi starts licking and biting my neck aggressively.

It crosses my mind that demi and I are in our bras (for now) and people driving by our car can see through the non tinted windows. I bet Demi thought of this too, but right now, I'm sure neither of us care. I moan and start to unbutton Demi's pants but I'm slapped away.

"No, now Is about you. I want to focus on you, and you focus on me touching you, loving you. Nothing else." Her voice is gentle, but eager.

Then, while our lips are separated, she hovers over me before sliding both bottom layers to my sneakers and spreading my legs for her to kneel between. Then she kisses me and traces circles with her nails all over my stomach

"Babe." I moan

Then she goes even faster and harder between my legs, my back arches just enough for her free hand to slip under and unclasp my bra.

Now both my shirt and my bra is in the backseat. Demi's lips are removed from mine, and feather kisses start to be applied down my jawline and neck.

"Dem.". I moan. My breathe is increasing and it causes her to be more aggressive. Each movement has a sense of urgency and desire. I keep thinking about all the emotions when I'm distracted by her tongue circling my nipple."holy shit." She continued and then started to nibble on it. My hands were running up her body, randomly grabbing places to hold myself or her still.

"A little anxiety I see," Demi teases.

"Cut it out, Demetria."

Suddenly she stops, all her features showed was anger.

"What did you call me?" She snapped

"I didn't- I'm sorry-"

"No I want to here you say it."


"Say it." I've never seen her so mad before, I'm actually scared to say it again."SAY IT!"

"Demetria, i called you Demetria." I said, looking directly at her. We just stared, her without a shirt and me with nothing covering me. And then she went off. The anger went from her eyes to her mouth to her arm to her fingers and inside me as she pumped in and out of between my legs.

It was like I was being fucked by a fucking concrete drill.

The noise of my juices gliding between my closing walls and her fingers started making themselves known with the vacuum affect. The air was confusing it.

"I'll just have to teach you a lesson then." She says in my ear before biting it,

I want to say something intelligent but, this wasn't the case.


I screamed as I reached my high. Who needs drugs when they got a partner like Demi. Correct. No one is like Demi.

Demi gets to the front of my seat and sticks her tongue out at me and folds it in on itself. I don't know why she would act like a five year old pissed at his sister until her attention leaves my face. She drags her folded tongue my length and i moan. She keeps doing it until I'm reasonably clean and then she comes back to my face and sticks her tongue into my mouth. My eyes widen but then I relax as she lathers my tongue with my juices.

"Gotta return what's yours." Demi laughs."but I swear, you call me Demetria again I'll have to punish you further,"

"I kinda liked that punishment." I smile

"It'll be more, controlled."

I look at her for a minute, then pull her to my chest and she lays on me. "I love you."

She looks back to me and kisses me with more passion then we were having sex. Which is saying something since there was a lot not to long ago. An unbelievable amount for two people who just had sex in a car. The place drunk clubbers go for a quicky. Her kiss practically said I love you itself.

I opened my eyes and smiled, until I saw the time.

"Holy shit we have to go!"
----------------------------------------------aw that was rough, I'll get better with think kind of thing eventually. Bye!

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