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It's been a week since I've run into Demi. She visits me at work whenever she can. Since the night of the nightmare, she sleeps over me and Alex's apartment. She even has her own section of my dresser. Demi had a concert in Philadelphia so she was away a few days. It has kind of put me in a bad mood.

"Hey pouty face, why the long face?"

"Fuck you" I continue eating my cereal while glaring at him. He just laughs at my grumpiness and continues to get himself some cereal.

"Where's Demi?" I guess she's here so often now that it's weird for her not to be here.

"Gone" I don't even hide that it makes me upset because Alex would see through it.

"Oh, that explains a lot. You miss your girlfriend?" He cooed. I want her to be my girlfriend but I'm scared. What if she rejects me? Or her fans do? Her family? She probably only wants a friendship. She'd be fine on her own. She IS fine on her own. Meanwhile, she's across the country and I'm dying inside. Pathetic.

"She's not my girlfriend!" I yell at him.

"She should be. She obviously likes you." I just ignore him and put my bowl in the sick. When I check my phone, I have 3 new messages.
"Hey, b! What's up?"
"You ok? Should I text later?"
"CARLY!!! Text/call me! I miss you!!!!"
I quickly text her back
"Sorry Dems, I haven't been feeling well. I miss my baby!"
I get a response almost immediately.
"I wouldn't mind being your baby;)"
I don't want to go on friendly get together/dates anymore. I want to make it official. I don't care what every one else says...sorta.
I'm waiting for her to get back though, I want to surprise her. Plus, via text message is totally cliché. I hear the side door open and Dana walks in.

"Wheres Riley?" Dana is a tall blond with glasses. Her and Riley are practically joined at the hip. They might as well date. I'm sure Riley wouldn't mind that.

"Isn't her shift at Marshall's about now?" Dana looks at me like I have three heads.

"It's Thursday, she doesn't work until 3" .

" it's Wednesday"

"Oh, sorry. Hangover." Then she's gone. She looked horribly worried. Maybe she's struggling just as much as I am. Both our loves, gone. What we do with ourselves, neither of us know.
----------------------------------------------yes it's short but I have writers block. Wanna help? Comment!

Scratches, Bruises, and Bullet Holes (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now