Best thing

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"CARLY, WHAT THE FUCK?!" Demi screeched in rage, helping Fez to his feet. I don't respond, I just turn and walk to my room, quietly closing and locking the door behind me. I sit on my bed and just space out into a whirlwind of thoughts. Am I guilty? No, not really. Was it necessary? Not in the slightest. Do I regret it? Nope. Given the chance, I'd do it again. I don't care what anyone thinks, or at least I don't want to. I care what Demi thinks, no matter what, I always itch for her approval. But even the strongest of influences can be overturned in a moment of uncontrolled rage.

"CARLY YOU FUCKING-" I tune Demi out, her voice isn't helping, I feel bad for hurting Wilmer..kinda. I mean, I'm not sorry for what I did, but I am for how hard. I'm starting to feel a little bruise on my arm from his skull's impact.

"Carl's, it's just me, can you open the door?" Alex asked gently. Without a word, I unlock the door and let him in, closing it once again behind him.

"You fucked up." He starts, not angry but a little pissed.

"Yeah, I'm processing that."

"How are you calm? Do you know how bad that really was?"

"At a reasonable level, I mean, it must be, because you're asking me and Demi is shouting in the background of our conversation."

"You're an idiot. You might-"

The door opens and suddenly, I'm in Wilmer's POV for a minute. Demi stalks up to be and slaps me right in the face. I turn with the hit, wincing in pain before looking back at her. I'm not mad, I did kind of deserve it, but not from her.

Demi is fuming, her face is bright red and she's looking at me In a way that makes me want to jump out the window and run away, it doesn't matter that Alex and I multiple stories above the ground.

"How could you? How could you hurt him like that and feel nothing? Have you no emotion? You don't even feel bad, no sorry, you just walk away?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?"
I don't really know what to say besides shouting an apology to Wilmer, but I don't do it. I don't care enough to sorry to him. "Nothing? You have nothing to say?" She growls.

"He was flirting with you." I say quietly. "And you were flirting back." I can feel the sadness in my statement on my face, and so can Dana and Riley as the say in the doorway and look at me with sympathy.

"WE WERENT FLIRTING! We're friends! Our relationship is over! Why are you so fucking protective?! He was just being the friendly guy he's always been!"

"I'm protective because I LOVE YOU! YOU HAVE TO BE AN IDIOT NOT TO SEE HE WAS ALL OVER YOU! You're supposed to be smart, what happened? It's as if you magically turned into the naive teen you-"

"We're done." Demi says tears in her eyes. "I can't believe you'd stoop that low just to prove a point that can't be made. I love him, you're right,
He loves me too. But I love you, and I like to think you love me too. So, why is it that you lose it at the slightest display of affection we have toward each other? If you can't live with Wilmer and I's relationship, then we can't have ours work out, because-"

"Stop. Don't say that like I should be ok with his dick on your ass and him smiling like he's got you wrapped around his finger. Does he? You seem happier with him then I could ever make you. Have a straight life, Demi. It's all you'll publicly allow anyway, anything else just isn't good enough for you. I'm sorry, and I know I'll regret saying this, but goodbye."

I turn around, refusing to let her see what I'm feeling. The tear running down my cheek, the redness in my face, the scowl etched in my mouth, it all displaying how contradicting my words are to what I feel. But I want her to be happy, I'll go back to what I used to be like, maybe a little worse, because now I remember what it feels like to be happy. I know what It feels like to have Demi, I guess now I'll know what it's like to lose her.

"Fine. I'm not going to fight you anymore. I think Wilmer has a concussion anyway, I need to get him home." Demi says from behind me. I think she's leaving, but a gentle hand turns me around. She is still mad, I know, but her expression is gentile. Maybe she can read my body language.
"I guess this is goodbye. Thank you for everything." She slowly leans up and kisses my cheek, then goes to my ear. "I love you."

That's what broke. The words hurt, but the tone was a knife to the chest. She sounded like she was about to cry, her crying makes me want to crawl into a ball and die.

"I love you too," I choke, looking straight into her eyes. It sucks that one of our most heartfelt moments was this, our breakup. Our end. With a pat on the shoulder, she turned, Wilmer leaning in the doorway with frozen peas on his head, a clear lump starting to form.

Demi walked over to Alex on her way to Wilmer and gave him a hug, muttering something in his ear before he nodded. He would normally be excited, but this situation must have drained everyone. She goes to Dana and Riley, giving them hugs and quiet goodbyes.

"Come on Wilmer, let's get you home."

Wilmer nods, putting his hand on the small of her back. Then he looks at me as she crossed the threshold and out of sight. "That wasn't a good idea, Carly, you just let someone in love with you slip right out of your hands."

"Just go Wilmer. You won, despite your injury, go. Miss Lovato is waiting for you."

Wilmer hangs his head and waves go everyone. Within a minute the apartment door is heard throughout the place when who I'm guessing is Wilmer firmly closes it.

"Congratulations." Alex sighs, turning to me. " you just gave up what may be the best thing that ever happened to you."
----------------------------------------------If you haven't checked out my other stories, please do!

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