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I sit at the picnic table, watching my wife and two children run around the park as the sun beams on their smiling faces. That same sunshine is one that does not hit mine, for I am protected by a tree I cannot names' vibrant green leaves. The kids came into existence only a year apart, after my time in rehab and Demi and I tied the knot. I wanted kids immediately after we got married, but Demi was on a role in her career. Turns out she was right, that February, in the dead of a classic California winter, I watched her collect multiple Grammy's while I sat in my chair in the community room. Some time after, Demi had artificial insemination and nine months later Jordan was born. A year later it was decided the second child would be carried by me. Jesse is who chases the six year old in laughter. He doesn't know about his right ear being inside out due to a birth defect caused by my relapse. He'll know eventually. All curious children ask questions.

Demi falls to her knees by an old tree across the lawn, obvious artificial pain causes her face to scrunch up in defeat as our toddlers rush to her side to tackle her down, giggling in triumph. I smile to myself, continuing the self evaluation my therapist has me due every couple of weeks. It helps me own up to things from the recent past as well as collect my scattered feelings. Demi's arms are wrapped around Jordan's shoulder and Jesse climbs on his mother like she's a jungle gym made just for him. Once he settles, he holds his mothers free hand in his tiny ones as Demi speaks to them about cloud fairies and mystical dragons with kings and queens riding them side by side. Or Walter the Einstein kitty who knew all there was to know from reading and listening to human interaction. However, her favorite story to tell was ours. She would go on and on about the roller coaster yet magical journey that led us to each other and us to there existence. She never talked about the sex or the drugs of course, those stories are left in our bedroom when the kids see their grandparents or are buried in the past.

I shout in surprise when a small body crumples into my lap. " Mommy", Jesse says, poking my nose.

"What sweetheart".

" Come listen with us, Momma is telling another story".

" Really?!" I say in my best excited voice, "What is she talking about this time"?

" Chase. He's a big dog that lives with his family by day", he pauses for dramatic effect, like Demi taught him when he told us about what happened at school that day, " and a hero in a cape by night. He saves the people of Los Angeles from all the bad guys.." Jesse Continues as I stand and take his little hand. When I look ahead, Demi is listening to our daughter intensely. She smiles when our eyes meet.

"Mommy", Jesse says, redirecting my attention back to him, " do you think Chase will ever come to save us if we get in trouble?"

"I don't know little man, I'm not sure we'll need saving. We have a hero that will always be here".

"Really", he asks amazed.

"You betcha, she's right there". I point to Demi and Jesse laughs, saying that's just 'Momma' and running to her. She may be just a mom who does everything she can for us, but she's so much more than that. She is the real hero. She's my hero.

I pick up Jesse from Demi's side and lie in his spot, placing the little boy on top of me and resting my head on Demi's shoulder. For a while I just lay there, playing with Jesse's shaggy brown hair as he looks up at his parents -us- in wonder. Demi looks at him directly in his little blue eyes and tells him how Chase the super dog saves a woman from a mugger. After a short debate, the kids have both agreed that a mugger is someone who takes coffee mugs from strangers. Demi and I have agreed to pretend that's true. We want to keep the bad things away from them as long as we can. They are only pure for so long.

Ten years ago I would have said I would never be happy. I would never be married, and I will never have children. Yet here I am. While the little monsters looking around this world with wonder and wide eyes, they will find out about us. They will find out a lot of things neither Demi or I want them too. They already know how to use the internet. With a single click they could dig up our half true nude photo leak. They could find out why Demi's skin looks different on her arms and thighs than anywhere else, the true reason. They could discover why we have to take medicine all the time, the rumored reasons. They're both learning to read from us and the teachers at school. Jordan already knows the basics from first grade. She'll be seven soon.

Scratches, Bruises, and Bullet Holes (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now