Truce on a hangover

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"Demi never mentioned that you drank." He says, sitting across from me, a plate of food missing a single piece that goes in his mouth.

"I avoided it while I was with her. I wasn't really much of a drinker to begin with." I growled. I shouldn't be here. I should be leaving some mysterious chick's house with a disappointed Alex waiting for me at home. Home. I miss home, I miss my car, I miss Demi. The man sitting across from me is a constant reminder that I'm missing all three. "Why am I still here? Why did I come here in the first place?"

"Because you passed out on my bed and you were almost certainly going to get raped, in a car accident, or both. Your drinking however, is impressive, which it shouldn't be. Now don't go on and on about how you shouldn't be here and how you hate me. I'm about as happy about it as you are. I had the bruise and swelling to prove it. However, Demi cares about you so I have to too."

"No, you don't. You're her boyfriend, according to common sense, shouldn't you keep me away?"

He laughs, dropping his fork and leaning back in his chair, showing his white teeth."I am not her boyfriend. The news might say so. But they're also claiming the decline of Ellen and Portia."

"I still want to know why I'm here." I mumble, placing my fork down and crossing my arms. I'm hungry but as soon as I have what I need I need to bolt.

"Seriously, you have to ask?"

I roll my eyes "oh please, all intelligent Wilmer Valderrama, enlighten me on the reason I am at my ex's boyfriend slash besties house during a hangover."
My sarcasm practically wet the table, but Fez was not amused.

"Demi, you are here for Demi. She's in Santa Fe so she won't be here until tonight, but she misses you. She needs you, and clearly, you need her. Carly, we don't like each other, but we love Demi to death, we both know the other cares for her but-"

"She doesn't need me. You know that, you're her's. I was hers. You tried to get to her at the pa-"

"My turn to interrupt for no true purpose. Hint hint. I had been out with friends and drank a little too much. The little romantic feelings I had for her were intensified. It was the alcohol. If it makes you feel any better, Demi found out and made me stay on the couch. She would have let me stay in her room with her, she needed someone. But mostly, she needed you." He was pissed, he seems to expect me to understand.

"Just tell me what you want so I can get out of here."

"Tonight, go to the LA airport. Pick your girl up, neither of you are benefitting from this loss of contact. She's not herself, kid, go fix the two of you."

"Fine" I said with a huff, trying as hard as I can to hide the smile in Fez's defeat. I beat him. I know I shouldn't see it that way, this isn't football, but it's Demi. "I'll go, but only if I'm alone."

"I can't go. I have to shoot tonight."

I nod, stand and grab what I have before walking out the door. Alex is going to have a fit, but his fits aren't that bad, just a lot of hand motions and colorful language. He's a favorite in my contacts, so I only need to press one button. within seconds the monotonous ringing starts in my ear as I hold my hand up to block my eyes from the glaring sun.

It's nice out, probably in the mid seventies. The few birds around perch on the rooftops letting the sun behind them beat on their feathers. The few cloud in the sky are just wisps. I wish my last weeks had felt as good as this day looks. Funny how the weather can parallel or be opposite to your mood.

"Damn it Carly!" Alex yells at me. "Where are you?"

"Umm.." I look around, finding the street on a sign just off of Wilmer's front lawn. The number was just to the left of his front door. "Three hundred two on bridgewater street."

"Alright. It's close, be there in a few. Don't wander off!"

I sat on the steps, waiting to see Alex's car.

How am I supposed to explain this. He always asks for details, outside the sexual bits. And now I'm leaving to go to the airport. He knows by my body language whether I'm going to forget for the night or not. I have to look ok for her, I have to look put together for Demi, even if it means lying, I'll do anything for her not to see the wreck I've become.

Alex's beat up car pulls up along the sidewalk in front of me and I haul myself to me feet, sure not to get up too fast, I'm still nursing a hangover. If I move too much what I drank will make an unwanted reappearance. I trip on a rock that wasn't there when I turned around, but made my way to the cars passenger side.

When I open it, I'm met by an angry and disapproving glare that I've sadly gotten used to. "This shouldn't be happening, I should be asleep and you should be too. You shouldn't be going around, getting drunk off your ass, having a one night stand, and having me come get your hungover and shameful ass ass just to do it again. I'm not doing this anymore. This is the last fucking time I will bail you out!" Alex's knuckles are white as he grips the steering wheel while spitting his last sentence. When he finishes, he sighs and starts to drive me to my car. "Now who was it this time? Was she at least good to you?"

"It was Wilmer." I mutter glumly.

Alex slams on the breaks, causing a near accident and a lot of honking from behind us. "You slept with-"

"At his house, drive. He needed to talk to me but figured since I was losing myself last night he brought me home. All he did was dump me in a bed and wait for me to wake up again to reveal his identity."

"That was nice of him."

"Not for me. He doesn't give a shit where I am, but he cares for Demi. He was doing it for her. He'd be guilty to see me about to go fuck someone I won't remember and do nothing."

"Still. He decreased your chances of getting an std. You know, I care about you and always support you decisions, but choosing to hate Wilmer wasn't a good one." Alex says

"Yeah well, what can I say?" Actually I could say a lot, but I chose not to. My reasons are my reasons, not anyone else's. "And I'm going out tonight."


"Not drinking. I'm seeing someone."

"Who?" Alex asks, never removing his gaze from the road ahead.

"Someone." I say quietly, so he can't hear unless he has the keenest of hearing." Someone I can't live without, someone I wish could live without me. Despite, Wilmer's lies that she can't."
----------------------------------------------bad? I hope not.

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