This morning

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Demi and I had some fun in the shower for at least an hour. By the time we were done, I was totally pooped and fell asleep naked on top of her with the sheet swimming around me.

"Knock knock." The soft male voice said. I knew exactly what was going to happen if I didn't take action.

"Stop! I'm naked!" I yell.

I heard a soft Ew from the other side of the door before bare feet bounced away on the hardwood floor. I had just relaxed on my human pillow before it started to inhale and exhale quickly with a hissing sound coming from her mouth. I look up and see Demi smiling down at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're so cute." Demi said. She gently held my chin and led my face to hers. After groaning, I found my underwear on the floor and a big sweatshirt on a chair next to me. Demi just laid there, the sheets only going up to her waist, smiling at me. Her eyes were sparkling more than usual, even more than Julia's used to.

That's probably easy though, because hers had more of a dark glint. Demi's had a glint of wonder, curiosity, and a bunch of other emotions I couldn't place. All of them combined could only be described like the sunlight brightening the room.

"Are you ok?" I ask concerned. She hasn't so much as blinked in the last five minutes.

"You're so beautiful." She said memorized. I don't know why, I'm not much.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you." I walkover to her and kiss her lips gently. I go to pull away, but Demi grabs my sweatshirt and holds me tight in her grasp. Demi leaned her head and deepened the kiss. I didn't notice she had inched me toward her until I was moving my leg to straddle her. This was meant as a sweet kiss when I started it, but Demi turned this into a full on make out session.

"Demi, Alex is right outside." I moan, struggling to keep my words steady as her hands travel up my sweatshirt to cup by breasts. Her mouth was switching off between giving me butterfly kisses and nibbling on my neck.

"I wasn't planning on sex. But if you want.....I could be quiet." She says winking. She definitely could've gone further, but she knew exactly how much to say so it was enough to get me thinking, but not enough to push me.

I decided if she was going to be that way, so way I. "I never said you couldn't, but I know I can't." I laid my head on her bare chest and take in her scent. I could go back to sleep right now, but Demi's intoxicating laugh keeps me here. My legs were spread so far apart from each other, my center was barely hovering her thigh. My arms were on either side of her head. Thinking about it, it would kind of seem like I'm trapping her, but she didn't seem to mind at all.

"We need to get our asses up." Demi says matter-of-factly.

"Yup." I slowly get up and peck Demi's lips before tossing her a large t shirt after she found a pair of her panties she left here before.

I open the door and walk out with Demi and I holding pinkies into the kitchen. Alex sat at the island with a cup of coffee and a magazine I didn't recognize.

"Hey Alex." I greeted as I passed him to get to the coffee. "Demi, would you like some coffee?"

"Hey Carl's, Demi. How was your alone time?" He asked casually.

"Yes please" Demi said smiling with her head resting on her palm that was propped by the elbow.

"It was good. Watched a movie. Took a shower. Then went to bed. How was the girls place?" He looked disappointed by my answer. I don't care who he was, I wasn't going to respond with the truth. We don't have that kind of relationship.

"Riley and Dana we acting all couply. I went to bed around two. It was fun though, should have come."

I grabbed the two cups of coffee I poured and gave one to Demi. She pecked my lips and I sat next to her while Alex put down his magazine. Judging by his face, he was bracing himself for an unclear reaction to his next words. Demi had migrated to sit on my lap, sipping her coffee slowly. I smiled at her and went up to kiss her but Alex distracted me.

"Julia called this morning."

"When?" I asked. His eyebrows shot up.

"You're not freaking out."

"She's not who she used to be. That ship has sailed and a new one has arrived. Plus, she proved she had changed by showing empathy and care for someone other than herself for a reasonable amount of time."

"She asked for you to call her. She wants to have lunch with you before she leaves."

I look at Demi to see her reaction, she's relatively impassive. But when she looks at me and smiles sweetly. I can't help but smile with her.

"I think it would be good for you. Her too. Don't look at me for approval though, she's your problem." She sasses.

We all laugh, even though she was right. Julia is my problem. I need to get supplies and fix this like a hole in the wall.

Demi looks down at her phone and frowns, putting her now empty coffee mug on the counter." I have to leave. I have a meeting I need to attend. I hate these kinds of surprises." She stands up and pecks my frown before running to my room to get her things.

"Did you hear Dana and Riley this morning?" Alex asks with excitement.

"No, why? Were they fighting?" I asked while putting Demi and I's coffee mugs in the sink.

"Close. They were fucking their brains out last night. It was loud as fuck. I'm surprised no one complained. The noise was equivalent to two Rhinos humping in a rainstorm."

"That's....descriptive." I didn't want to hear about two of my best friends going at it while I was trying to focus on Demi and i's adventure last night. She said it was only the start. It intrigues me.

But seriously, Cupid needs to work on one couple at a time, because I'm going to get whiplash.

Demi comes out sliding on the floor in her socks and puts on her shoes. She kisses me for one long kiss.

"Goodbye, babe. Call me about your meeting with Julia, I want to hear how it goes. I love you."she says quickly before turning down the hallway to the front door.

"Love you too." I say just above my inside voice.

"see you later, Alexander!"

Alex grunts and yells "farewell, Demetria" before the door shuts, cutting off Demi's giggles.

"I'm calling Julia now. Are you off?" I ask

"Go ahead, and no, I was called in for the one to closing time shift."

"Alright well, here goes nothing." Then I dialed and listened to the ringing until it was picked up by a familiar voice.


"Julia, is this you?"

"yeah. Who is this?"

"It's Carly. I was told you wanted to meet for lunch."

"Yeah. Panera Bread?"


"Yeah, babe. It's just Carly. Ok see you there then."

I recognized who the voice in the background was. The deep, territorial voice.

It sounded like Chris.
----------------------------------------------here it is! Sorry for the slow updates in labile compassion if you read it. Those are just, ugh. Thank you so much for the reads, votes and follows. You guys are awesome! Comment your thoughts if you want, that means a lot too! See Ya!

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