Whilst she sleeps

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Carly's POV

"This was fun." Riley said as we entered the elevator.

We all nodded in agreement before the loud ding signaled we had reached the fifth floor. Our floor. Riley and Dana went to there apartment to watch American horror story or something and Demi stopped me in front of the door.

"I have to go now. It's late and I'm tired. We should go on more dates though, I had a lot of fun." She says looking straight into my eyes.

"I had fun too. You could stay with Alex and I. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"Are you sure, Carly?"

I just open my apartment door holding Demi's hand. Alex was passes out on the couch with the TV on. I bring Demi to my room and throw her some sweats to sleep in. She grabs them and thanks me before I go into the bathroom with my extremely large Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt. After I'm done I walk out and lay next to Demi, whose already in bed. She cuddles up to my side and I fall asleep almost instantly.

Demi's POV
She stole my heart. It's official. It's not even the big things that make me like her so much, it's the little kisses on the forehead, the I <3 Demi she wrote on her index finger last week. I can't say I love her yet. It's too soon, right? It's February 3rd so maybe I could tell her then? I don't know. Now she's sleeping, I had cuddled up to her but now she has her entire right side flopped on my body. Her head is right next to mine so I could here the soft whistles her mouth makes as she breaths. For some reason it's soothing. I'm exhausted but I can't sleep, I just seem to find something else to look at. Her hand is groping my ass but she's not even conscious. And her lips are way to close to mine to avoid. Every one in a while I give her a peck, I know she won't kiss back but I can still taste her peppermint lips. I never really fancied peppermint until I met her. Now it's one of my favorite tastes. I kiss her nose and finally find the will to go to sleep.
I wake up to a sleeping Carly on my stomach. She has her arms around my waist and her legs curled up, one on either side of mine. She seems to think I'm a pillow. When I look at the clock it says 10:39. I ruffle Carly's hair and pry myself from her grasp. She stirs but doesn't fully awake. I decided I could wake her up my way. Whether she will like it or not, I don't know. I get on top of her and straddle her waist while pushing my hair to the side before giving her a long, lingering kiss. She moans and slowly starts kissing back. She seemed only half awake but before I could be sure myself two soft hands grab my back and slam me down on
Carly. When I look at her, one eye is halfway open. She looks drunk.

"Morning, Dems."
I laugh at her cuteness and peck her chin.

"Good morning."
She gives a heavy breath before lifting me off her and placing me next to her before she gets up.

"I have to go to Starbucks at one." She sighs. She goes to the bathroom and two minutes later the toilet flushes and she comes back fully dressed. I didn't even see her get clothes. I get up and leave her bedroom and go to the kitchen with Alex hunched over eating cereal without a shirt on.

"Lovato." He greets tiredly.

"Sleep well on the couch, Harvey?" I smirked. I learned his last name from Carly's senior yearbook I found.

"Ah, no. I got a kink in my neck."

"Aw poor you." Carly says behind him sarcastically. Alex lifts his left hand to flip her off without turning to her before returning to his cereal. She laughs and before we know it, it's 12:45 and Carly and I get in her car to go to Starbucks.
----------------------------------------------hey!! Does this need drama?

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