Bathroom Pranks and Double Shots

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I awaken to Demi still attached to my side. I'm surprised that she hadn't left since I've been a restless sleeper for a little while now. Her face had creases in it from my shirt and a large freckle was the nipple of a red spot on her face. She looked the same as always, but something about her just seemed better.

"As cute as you look right now, your eyes are disrupting my slumber", Demi says. I look down and there she is, biting her bottom lip and staring at me with the shiny brown eyes shadowed by sleepiness. I couldn't help but smile as she showed her glinting white teeth.

"As cute as you look right now, your whole face is making me want to kiss you", I warn with a smile, silently hoping she won't care.

Demi does get up though, breaking her gaze to flatten her shirt. "You know what I said, and I meant it. You need to earn it".

"Can't we just have a Netflix and pizza party or something"?

"With a prank war happening, no. After however, I would love that". And with a smile the girl with my heart skips away and I'm forced to go in the kitchen as a follower.

After breakfast Demi and I shower. Sadly we shower separately, despite my protests. During this fifty minute time period. The doorways all had clear sandwich wrap on them so we kept walking into suffocation periods. Demi's deodorant was sliced into cubes so she had to find one spare laying around. My toothbrush had its bristles squished like paintbrushes in a child's art class. Lastly, on top of it all, Alex put wrap on under the toilet seat so when we did our business it was a weighted hovercraft over the bowl. We were fuming. So, we nailed his pressurised shaving cream so it would spray it out at full speed when he used it. We also mouse trapped the egg carton so all the eggs in closeness to where his head would be. Hopefully, he'll be alright.

Demi had to do a studio session so I decided to put on my big girl pants and drag my own ass to work. I showed up daydreaming about kissing Demi on the back of a pickup truck like a country music video when I got to my cubby. I unplugged my earbuds and put both my iPhone and the buds in the pocket of my green apron. I then sat on a stool in the back of the Starbucks shop, just staring at one spot of the room. It was where I bumped into Demi. I rarely looked back at that time, it was far from special, but I still love remembering how it all started.
"Carles"! a very high pitched voice squealed. Before I could react, its source wrapped my head in their arms and didn't care they were blocking my breathing holes. "You look sober"!
"Hey Gaby. Nice to see you too." Gaby has worked here about four months longer than Alex and I have. She is an interesting person. She talks faster than anyone I have ever met and never, ever, stops moving in one way or another. It's because she has an unidentified mood disorder that gives her these symptoms. She has the honor and humiliation of having a whole mental illness based off of her. Gaby also likes Alex. Whether he knows this or not I do not know nor do I care, but it would be nice to have double date sleepovers at our house one night. I'm not close to Gaby like Alex kinda is, but she's alright of a girl. Especially due to his past girlfriends. His on again off again ordeal with the stoner in seventh and eighth grade certainly takes the cake though.

"I'm guessing you and your girlfriend-"

"Ex girlfriend"

"Right. Are you too good now"?

"I guess you could say that", I nod," we're friends right now. We have to work our way back to where we were".

"Alex is routing for you guys you know", Gaby smiles, looking at her phone and frowning when all she sees is the background of 5 Seconds Of Summer. "He's probably glad he doesn't have to risk being late to pick you up from wherever and we no longer have to cover your ass when you don't show up".

"Yeah thanks for that"

"Just remember you owe me. But anyway, he misses the not disastrous Carly".

"I'm always like that".

"Well your self-destructive side needs to break. Both of you are exhausted. Not to mention what's-her-name. Alex won't tell me any actual detail".

Alex is right to do that. Any pop band or artist she finds somewhat appealing Gaby could go on for hours. Her knowing Demi is the girl I've been fighting so hard for and Alex has been putting up with my tears for would be horrible. At least I'm not straight and dating Luke Hemmings, both Gaby and Alex would fangirl so hard they'd pass out.

Gaby had just gone in the back with the drive-thru headset when the door opened wide for a semi-tall but very muscular man. He had some shadow on his face, which matched his ultra short hair and bushy but neat eyebrows. He looked like a normal guy, t shirt, black jeans, silver dog tags that clinked together and swung as he walked. I knew who he was immediately. He was in multiple pictures on Demi's phone, as well as on TV, in movies, and his music was quite popular right now. I had to look up at him and say 'welcome to Starbucks, may I take your order'. Then I had to make his double-shot iced coffee and place it on the counter by the register to ring it up. He seems to recognize me by this time, because a wave of facial expressions play like a movie on his face. When he's rung out, he sits at a table with his computer and drinks his coffee, but his eyes continue to flicker back to me. Eventually, both of our eyes just stay put on each other. So while Gaby was in the back on her phone, totally oblivious to the world. I was here, just the one other being in the whole place. And he was over there having a staring contest with me.  Nick Jonas was having a staring contest with me.
----------------------------------------------vote, comment, follow, share if you'd like. Late, I know, but wattpad deleted it yesterday so I redid it.

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