Terrorizing Alex

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It was one thirty in the morning when Demi shook me awake on the couch with her phone's flashlight burning into my sleepy eyeballs. She was wide awake, her big Texas sweatshirt hanging dimly lite by the bright light. Her hair was ruffled and she had her glasses on, so she must have been reading in bed while she was waiting.

"Get up. It's time." She says in a rough whisper, holding up the Aztec style wooden mask.

"But I'm tired." I whine, raising my arm to shield my eyes.

"Please, for me?" Demi pouts, knowing that I will feel bad if I don't help her.

" Fine." I grumble, throwing my thin blanket off of me as she squeals in excitement and happiness, jumping slightly. "You're lucky I love you or you'd have at least one claw mark on you." I stand, my sleeping boxers hanging loosely from my small waist as I take the mask from Demi, along with a flashlight with a much more muted light than the phone.

" You remember the plan?"

" How could I forget? You explained it three times and then wrote it down and gave it to me just in case."

" Grumpy I see." Demi jokes in exasperation, starting our short, quiet journey to Alex's room.

" You woke me up. No complaining."

Not long after, we're at Alex's slightly open door, and I can hear the peaceful snores from behind it that I know we're about to ruin. Demi turns to me for approval, and I nod, recieving one back before she pushes open the door to make the small gap between the door and the wall a gaping entrance. She tippy-toes in, careful not to hit any of his musical equipment on her way by while heading to the foot of the sleeping young mans' bed. She points to the floor, and I roll in my eyes, mouthing 'I know' and sitting, scootching so to Alex, it would look like some creature coming from under his bed. Demi has the cardboard of what used to be a paper towel roll pressed to her lips, about to start when she see's Alexs' camera. She smiles and toys with it until the green on button glows in the darkness. Then she proceeds on her prank, making weird noises and crouching next to me while I slide around with the mask on my face.

Alex barely stirres, so I have to lightly drag my finger down his arm until he slowly starts to move, my eyes have adjusted to the dark, so I have the pleasure of seeing his eyes peer open and blink rapidly four times before he sees me and screams at a pitch I didn't know was reachable for him. He's so scared in fact that he grabs a pillow and stands as far away from me for defense when I reach out and grip his leg, tugging firmly until he slips and I jerk him to the floor without hurting him. Whatever sound Alex made last time, the one he made when he saw me using the light of his phone was worse. He was distracted so Demi grabbed his blanket and hid herself before touching his head and shoulders. Alex squirmed to shin his phone light on Demi's hand with her neatly painted black nails scratching his hand.

"C-C-Carly!! Demi!" Alex cried, looking at his door, tears streaming freely from his face as he sat up on his elbow to see if one of us rescues him.

I look at Demi for approval to reveal myself, thinking to myself that he's had enough and she nods with a smile, although it's hard for me to see due to darkness.

Demi crawls out, flipping Alex's light switch with a smile and I pull the mask on top of my head to show my face.

"Hi, there! Demi and Carly to your rescue!" I say with a sly grin on my face.

"W-wait, what?" Alex says, looking around confused. "It was you two the whole time?"

"It's called revenge, bitch." Demi says, totally proud of herself.

" You can't have alliances!"

" I am not an ally, I am an accomplice for this prank." I say, taking the mask off fully and tossing it to Demi. She wanted to keep it after this is over.

" Manipulating your girl I see, Lovato."

" I am not her girl! We're friends." I say, defending myself more than anything. In my head though, I hope I can correct myself first.

" Weather you want to think about it or not, you're still wrapped around her finger like when you were together. You're smart, Carly. You know it, just like Demi knows this as well. At least the influence she has on you can be reversed to you for her and it will be almost equal. She's playing dirty." I know Alex saying this has some strategy of his own behind it, but it doesn't make it any less true. Although I'm not Demi's anymore, I am. Same goes for her. It still hurts that she would take advantage, but I know it's just a game.

" I'm not manipulating anyone, Alex. She was there for your prank with the language on my phone and I needed help to one up you. Simply leveling the score doesn't put me ahead."

Damn, she brought some sass. How though? It's not even two in the morning.

" Fine, pretend you're all right in this. Fuck you both, get out of my room, and get your asses back to bed." Alex says, suddenly aware of the time and location of where we terrorized him. He stands, glaring at us both as I stand by the door with Demi, before grabbing his blanket and turning towards the wall.

Demi then laughs and turns off the light. I follow, closing the door behind me." That was awesome." Demi smiles, holding up her hand for me to high-five.

" Yeah, we'll probably pay for it later." I say, obliging to her hand slapping request." Welp, it's late, or early, so we should really head to bed."

I start to walk toward the couch, but a hand on my wrist stops me and I have to look back for the reason of this.

" The couch isn't the best resting place."

" But-"

" Sleep in bed with me. I know we aren't a thing anymore, but you know just as much as I do that what Alex said is true and we can't just pretend it isn't. I'm not saying we're going to have make up sex or anything drastic. I just want us to be us until I'm ready to jump back into our relationship again."

" I know we can't avoid it, that's not healthy for either of us."

" Judging from the fact you were sleeping around and drinking in my absence, health isn't important to you."

" Hey, protection was always present, don't lose faith in me. But I wasn't implying that it was my health I cared for."

Demi shakes her head, but a small smile eases the mood around us and she grabs my hand. She leads me to my room and pulls me with her on the bed where we lie in a ball of exhaustion and emotion, tangled in each other when we fall asleep a few moments later.


Hello readers! im sorry for my inconsistency. School has started though and I'm super ready to go back to what it was like in the earlier part of the year.

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