Nothing Street

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Nick stayed there most of my shift, eventually focusing on his work and whatever heavy based music that were playing through his headphones. Tuesday's are pretty dead until fourish so very few people came in and noticed his presence. When they did however, he was happy to sign coffee cups and take photos with fans. By the time he left, Gaby's shift was over. Unfortunately, Gaby's ride was stuck in downtown traffic so when I got out an hour later I had to bring her home. When I unlocked the car and she buckled as I pulled out of my freshly painted parking space she sighed.

"Alex texted me saying you need to get milk."

"We got milk like two days ago", I complain.

"Well your girl loosened the cap and covered it in clear hair gel."

The car is silent for a little while, the only noise being muffled car horns and Shawn Mendes playing softly in the background. Although we are silent, my mind is running wild. Not necessarily about anything specific, just random things as I process the world I drive by, Demi pops into the mix too.

As if on cue my phone vibrates in its place. When I glance down, DEMI LOVATO <3 is bold with a message I don't have the opportunity to read. I just hope Gaby stays occupied in her instagram full of attractive males. When I finally get the smallest fraction of  an opportunity I slide my finger up and down on the glowing screen, ridding the evidence of Demi. Too bad a mere ten minutes later my phone starts vibrating and blasting her hit 'Heart Attack'. The irony is that that's exactly what Gaby and I almost had. I nearly lost control of the wheel. This time, I had no choice, I had to pick up the phone before Gaby caught a glimpse of Demi and I kissing on my screen. Unfortunately, my speed was non existent because I didn't want to kill us, so she saw and her eyes went wide. I cut her off before she could say anything, leaving her words hanging voiceless in the dead air space.

" Hey Demi"

" Jesus Carly, can't you answer my fucking texts", she says in exasperation. I do not need to see her to see the disapproving scowl on her face.

" Babe, I'm driving a friend home. I don't want to kill us. What do you need"?

" I needed to know you're safe. I thought you'd be home by now".

" Are you at my house"?

" maybe..." she trails off. I can't help the smile that grows on my lips.

" I'll be there in about ten to fifteen minutes"

" Ok fine", she groans," don't hold me up though. I want to watch movies and cuddle"

" Got it. Bye Dems".

" See ya"

The second the phone has left my ear and is locked in the cupholder Gaby is on my ass like tight underpants."You're with Demi FUCKING Lovato and neither you or Alex bothered to tell me"?! she shouts, putting down her phone for the first time in nearly an hour. I was worried her face would get so used to posing for selfies her face would get stuck in place forever.

" Didn't want to cause a disturbance in your life".

" Carly, this is a big deal! She's famous and pretty and well off and-" Gaby could go one for hours, rambling on and on about a person. I would not have this when it is referring to my girl. Well, my used-to-be-but-hopefully-again-soon girl.

"Human. Gaby, she isn't just a celebrity, especially to me."

"So you can defend Demi but I can't for anyone"?

" I actually know her. Not only that but I love her. She may be those things, but she's more than her money coated spotlight. Even for what she shows to the public, there's more. To her family, there's more. To me, there's more. There is always more to her, to anyone, than we think. Only we -ourselves- know what's there, maybe not even then."

" You don't know if I know Liam".

" Gaby, I am positive you have never met Liam Payne in person".

Gaby would have fought me both verbally and perhaps physically as well, but she was cut short by me stopping on the side of the road in front of the white building she lives in. " Thanks. Would you like to come in for a minute"?

" No, but thank you. I've got a pissy woman sitting at my house waiting for me to come home".Gaby nods, bids farewell and enters the house. I don't see the door close though, because I'm already halfway down the road.

I change the music almost immediately, already sick of squeaky man voices harmonizing all around me. I decide on a random song as calming background music. Silently driving down the road, I think about what Demi and I have been. Then it strides forward into what we could be. I'm left at an intersection so big and wide I can't find every connecting street. It does occur to me that of all these options, nothing could definitely be an option. That's when I turn around and shake my head. I can't be nothing to Demi, she could certainly never mean nothing to mean. I don't know what would become of me if our relationship amounted to nothing in the end.

I pulled into the parking lot and jogged up the stairs, gleeful my love is waiting for me. Finally reaching the apartment door, a white rectangle in a sea of gray waters. Knocking twice, I wait almost no time before the door swings open to a goddess standing there with only a snuggie on.
I'm pulled into the wave of blue cotton, warmed between the flesh of two beings.

"Come on. Let's get our cuddle on", she said. With that, we went to the couch and watched movie piled on each other. I didn't waste a second in terms of showing my love and appreciation for her as a person. I have a new fear on the list that ranks pretty high. I shall never walk down Nothing Lane.
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Scratches, Bruises, and Bullet Holes (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now