Chapter 17

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The Day After New Years
Ariana's P.O.V

I woke up in the guest room of the penthouse, surprised. I did not remember anything after cuddling up on Nathan's chest during the party. I must have dozed off. I look down and see that I am still in my dress. Its material is uncomfortable and itchy on my skin and I have a desperate urge to rip it off. I look at my feet and I remember that I had taken my heels off when I sat on the couch with Nathan, for the sake of being comfy. I got out of bed and looked out of the window in the room. It seemed late enough in the morning, maybe the rest were already up? I tiptoed out into the hallway. There were many doors in the house considering there were five people who lived here. I walked past a mirror and was horrified by my reflection. My hair resembled a bird's nest and I looked an odd shade of pale. I hurriedly walked away from it. There weren't any snores coming from the rooms which was surprising, but I didn't see the doors I passed by opened either. However, at the end of the hallway, I did see that one was open. I looked inside and identified the room as Harry's. It was obvious that it was his room. It was neat, but a messy kind of neat, if I were to describe it. The only thing that was very untidy was his unmade bed. I left the room and walked downstairs. I saw that the living room was empty, but was a huge mess. Plastic cups were strewn about, thrown carelessly on the furniture. There was a dark beige stain on the pure white carpet-probably champagne. There were streamers and party hats everywhere. I found my heels beside the couch. They were a bit far away from one another, looking as if I just kicked them off of my feet. I walked into the kitchen where I saw Harry in front of an open cabinet. He was taking out a bottle of Advil.

"Hey." I greeted wearily.

He just glanced at me, his expression stoic. He popped a couple of the pills into his mouth and downed them with water.

"Hungover?" I assumed. He glared at me in disbelief when I asked, as if I was accusing him of murder or something. "Well you are, aren't you?"

He simply scoffed and walked right passed me, brushing his arm against mine, not romantically, but in a cold, harsh way. He did it so that I could notice that he was mad at me. I decided to ignore it and ask him what I initially came here for.

"Um, Harry do you have any spare toothbrushes and a shirt and bottoms I could borrow? This dress is uncomfortable."

Without so much as looking at me, and as he rummaged through the refrigerator he said, "First bathroom upstairs to your left, bottom cabinet, and I don't think it's best if you borrow my clothes, you're leaving any minute now. Your boyfriend, Nathan, called to pick you up, and when I answered, he was already wrestling his way into his car as if I was threatening to kill you." He didn't say it jokingly or lightly, every word that escaped his mouth was coated with venom. The way he said boyfriend had a sharpness to it.

Before I left I asked, "Where are the other boys?"

He shrugged and bluntly replied, "Probably staying with their girlfriends. Niall is upstairs sleeping though."

Without saying another word, I walked upstairs to the bathroom and looked in the cabinet. I found a bright, mustard-yellow toothbrush still in its plastic cover. I got it out and used it to brush my teeth. I washed my face to wake myself up more and dried it with toilet paper rather than the small towel on the towel holder at the side, not knowing wanting to overstep my boundaries.

I walked back down stairs and saw him sitting on the one of the bar stools, leaning on the counter with his head in his hands.

"Do you need help cleaning up? I don't min-"

"No, Ariana, it's fine." He snapped, interrupting me.

I closed my mouth. As if on cue, the elevator opened up and Nathan rushed to my side, enveloping me in a hug.

"Are you okay?" Nathan asked.

Harry slammed the Advil bottle off of the counter in rage. "You fucking have the nerve, Nathan, to ask her if she's okay, considering that you left her here, in this party, alone, because someone texted you and you apparently had to go, not giving a single flying fuck that your girlfriend is snuggled up on your chest. You just slithered from beneath her, like the fucking snake that you are, and left her here. So, I had to rush to her aid. I had to carry her to the guest room. I had to care in your place because you are one motherfucking, piece of shit boyfriend, that gives no shits about his girlfriend, who gives endless shits about him. So please, do us all a favor, and shut the absolute fuck up." Harry exploded, finally, and I was shocked. Nathan's eyes were lit up with a terrifying glint. He was angry. Beyond angry. Harry didn't seem to care though because he said, with triple the anger Nathan could ever muster up, and with the scariest voice that sounded almost like a growl, "Get the fuck out."

"Not without Ariana." Nathan seethed, yanking at my wrist.

Harry took two long strides until he was two inches away from Nathan's face, "Listen, you little shit, the reason I'm telling you to leave is because of Ariana. Go." Nathan glanced at me and then stalked out of the penthouse. A groggy looking Niall was walking downstairs, rubbing on his eyes. "Damn, Harry, could you be any louder, mate?"

Harry looked at Niall. "Sorry."

"S'alright" Niall said, looking at the invisible watch on his wrist. "I need to change and go get some breakfast for the three of us. That being said, good morning, Ariana."

"Morning, Niall." I tried to smile at him but I was still shaking from the events that had just taken place.

With that, Niall turned and walked back up the stairs. After a few seconds, I heard the door of the bathroom click.

Harry wasn't looking at me. I was trembling and my legs felt like jelly. I could not exactly process what just happened. "I'm sorry." He said after a while.

"Why?" I questioned. "Why now?"

"Because the reason I was so angry this morning was because I could not believe that you are with that piece of shit. For the sole reason that you are beyond too good for him, I'm pissed that you don't realize that. He will never deserve you. And you sure as hell don't deserve that kind of treatment."

I stayed quiet.

"I have a couple of plain black t-shirts in my dresser's top right drawer. The sweatpants are in the drawer below it. Help yourself. And if you don't mind, I would actually like some help picking up."

"I don't mind. Thanks." I walked up to his room and found the shirts. I unzipped my dress and slipped into one of his shirts. I got a pair of grey sweatpants and slipped into those as well. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun that still looked like a bird's nest, but I mean, it was supposed to look messy, so at least I had an excuse. I heard Niall saying goodbye to Harry downstairs and that he'd be back soon, then the 'ding' of the penthouse elevator.

I walked back down to where I saw Harry picking up paper plates and plastic cups off the floor, holding a plastic trash bag in another hand. I started doing the same. Occasionally, he would glance at me, but not much else. After a while, he said something.

"Ariana, I said all of those things because I care about you. I still do. I will always care about you. And you know what? I take back my apology. Why? Because I'm not going to goddamn apologize for loving you." And with that, he walked out.

Sorry for taking so long to update. Now that I have, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, lovelies.
All the love in the world,
hazzasdonut xx
P.S. Bet you didn't see that one coming did ya?

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