Chapter 3

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Ariana's P.O.V

We arrived at the restaurant 'Mexicali Taco & Co' shortly. I hadn't realized that my leg was bouncing until Frankie looked at me as if I'd gone crazy and pressed his hand on my knee to stop it. My dad set the car on park and I unbuckled my seatbelt. Frankie left the door open for me. I hopped out of the car. The boys and Harry's family were already there. Sarah said that she wanted to stay home because she was tired. The big group of us walked into the restaurant one by one. Harry was holding the door for everyone. Great. I tried not to meet his gaze as I walked through the door but it was almost impossible. His stare seemed to be burning holes through my skin. My dad ordered a table for the twelve of us. The waiter widened his eyes a bit at my father's request, but nodded slowly.

"Follow me." He said.

The man put three tables together and gestured for us to sit. There were two rows of six. I sat on the far left. Gemma was seated to my right. Next to Gemma was Frankie. Next to Frankie was my mom. Then my dad. And next to dad was Robin. Anne sat across from Robin. Next to her on her left was Liam, then Zayn, then Niall, then Louis. And directly across from me was Harry. I internally huffed.

"I'll give you a moment to order." The waiter, whose name was Mike, told us.

I picked up a menu and started to skim through the choices.

My father was desperately trying to spark up a conversation with the boys. He tried to act young and 'cool' saying things like 'yeah, dude' or 'that's so sick'. Frankie was stifling laughs next to me. I rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully. He scoffed and dug his long fingers into my sides. I squealed and my leg jolted up at the unexpected move, hitting itself under the table. The whole table was staring at us. Frankie immediately removed his hands and threw them up in surrender, then pointed at me. I scowled at him. My attention was set back to the confused faces.

"Sorry." I said, more like a whisper.

I went back to looking through the menu. My eyes accidentally locked with Harry's. Memories came crashing through my mind like a tidal wave. I almost burst out laughing remembering our, what Frankie would call, 'eye sex'. Instead of goofing around, Harry's eyes were studying me. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, making a slight crease on his forehead. My eyes quickly darted back to the menu. After about five minutes, the waiter came back. We all gave him our orders and told him what we wanted to drink. He left after giving us a nod.

"So, boys, it must have felt amazing to have gone so far in the X-Factor. Not to mention that you are the most famous boy band right now!" My mom said beaming.

"It is amazing. I would have never imagined being on the road with the these four idiots." Louis joked, ruffling Harry's hair and gesturing to the others.

I prayed that my mother wouldn't mention me in that conversation.

"Ariana is really happy to be opening up for you. Isn't that right Ariana?" My mom asked me, giving me a 'Please agree for the sake of Harry's feelings' look.

"Uh- yeah. It's great." I replied with a smile.

Harry's eyes were on me the entire conversation. I mentally hugged the waiters that came to bring our twelve plates of food for tearing his gaze away from me. I started digging into the food once I got it, due to nerves. I felt jittery when Harry looked at me. Not because I thought it was creepy, but because he is one of the few people who can see through me. He can tell whether I'm being me or not.

"You hungry, Ari?" My father joked, looking at my nearly empty plate.

I blushed.

"If only they served Starbucks in restaurants." I heard Gemma mutter. Is shook my head at her, laughing.

My parents and Harry's were talking, leaving me, the boys, Frankie, and Gemma to talk amongst ourselves.

"So, how's Sam and Cat going?" Niall asked.

"Really good, actually." I replied.

"Harry, mate, stop drooling, damn . . ." Louis snapped Harry out of his daze.

Harry punched him playfully while chuckling.

Niall let out a loud burp, causing the others to turn their heads.

"Excuse me." Niall mumbled, shyly.

We were cracking up.

"Hey, since you're on tour with them, how are you going to be filming Sam and Cat?" Gemma asked.

"Oh, we already filmed the episodes that I would've been absent from before I joined the tour." I replied.

For the rest of the night we continued to talk and I found myself becoming closer with the boys. They were really sweet, and funny. When our parents were arguing about who would pay the check, that's when me and Harry stepped in. That's when WE started arguing about who would pay the check.

"Harry, let me pay." I asked for the tenth time.

"Nope. No you won't." He replied putting his money on the table.

"Hostile bastard," I muttered to myself, "I'm paying for the damn food!" I persisted, throwing him his money back.

"If you say so." He finally gave up. Or so I thought.

As I was putting the money in and grabbed the pen to sign the check, a long pair of arms scooped me up from behind.

"Harry! Put me down, you idiot!" I screeched. I started kicking and shoving, but he just started laughing. He dropped me over to the side, and quickly scribbled his signature onto the check, placing his money on top of it. Our families and the boys were snickering.

I looked around and sure enough, everyone was staring at our little interaction. A small group of girls were hyperventilating from seeing One Direction just ten feet away from them. The boys noticed and went over to them, signing napkins and taking pictures. To my surprise, two girls looked over at me.

"I want a picture with Ariana too." They told them.

I started smiling and I made my way towards them.

"Can you take it for me please?" One girl asked Harry.

"Sure, love."

I crouched down a bit and put my hand on her opposite shoulder. The flash went off and Harry grinned as he gave it back to her.

"Can you take mine too?" The other girl asked him.

"Of course."

I crouched down and did the same that I did to the other girl.

"Alright. Here you go." Harry said, giving her the phone back.

"Thank you!" They chorused.

I walked to the exit, where my parents were already waiting, and gave them a wave.

"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" I called out to the boys.

"Bye!" They chorused.

I walked out trailing behind my parents and Frankie. I was extremely excited. The next tour destination was Nevada. Tomorrow, In just a few days, I'll be spending an hour of my day on a private jet, checking into a hotel, and getting ready for a concert on a new stage.


I hope you liked this chapter!💕

Please comment/read/vote💎

I'll try to update as soon as I can!🌸

I'm updating 'Media' today as well!📷

Love you all!❤️

P.S. The flight time from California to Nevada is 55 minutes. (I checked online)🙊

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