Chapter 1/Introduction

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Ariana's P.O.V

I was called and asked to meet with my manager Sarah, and a few other people from management to discuss a job offer I was given. I didn't know who I was asked to work with because I was told about it when I was on the phone with them. They didn't share any details. As I got closer to the office where the meeting was to be held, I kept trying to guess who I would be working with, and what the future would hold for me. I stepped into the room, receiving stares.

"Take a seat, Ariana." Rosetta, the head of management directed. I sat down, crossing my right leg on top of my left, and waited patiently.

The thing about her was that, she meant business.

Sarah was seated to my left. She had her legs crossed as well, but her hands were folded together on top of her lap.

"As you know, you have received a job offer . . ." Rosetta began. I nodded for her to continue.

"It is very hard to get offers like these. You are very fortunate indeed. So, you should really consider this, and the great opportunities that would come with it . . ." She paused. Her icy blue eyes met mine.

"You will be working with One Direction."

My jaw dropped. Sarah's expression was neutral since she knew about the offer before I did. She glanced my way, sympathetically.

"So, Ariana, are you going to take the offer?" Rosetta questioned.

I choked, as I tried to come up with words to say.

"This would be a great boost for your career. It could open many doors for you, Ariana. Think about it." Her perfectly plucked eyebrows arched up, as she tried to convince me.

I looked blankly ahead of me, in thought. I bit my bottom lip, as I tried to think of ways to get out of this. But, I started to think, 'Maybe this could be good for me' 'Maybe things would get better'. I also kept in mind that I would have to come face to face with Harry. That there was still bad blood between us. I had been trying so hard to avoid him these past 4 years. What if looking into his familiar sparkling green eyes will bring pain back again? I shook my head at the thought. I let out a long breath that I didn't know I'd been holding. I looked at Sarah, who seemed to be agreeing with the idea, then back at Rosetta. Without even realizing it, I nodded. Rosetta's thin lips that were formed into a line, turned into a satisfied smirk. Then I thought . . .

What the hell did I get myself into?


So there's the first chapter!💕

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Trailer coming soon!🎥💿🎶

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