Chapter 10

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Ariana's P.O.V

Nathan opened the door for me with a grin still on his face. My headache had lessened by the slightest, but it was manageable. A waitress greeted us and led us to a table for two in the back of the restaurant. The restaurant had dim lighting and was decorated very nicely. Fairy lights hung from the tops of the walls, creating a nice glow. Our table had rose petals sprinkled over it, and a candle bobbing on top of a water-filled glass. The flame was dancing on its wick. Glossy, white china was placed neatly on top of the table, the utensils folded up neatly in a napkin on the side. Two drinking glasses were on the side as well. Nathan pulled my chair back for me and I sat down, mumbling a quiet thank you. We were in a seemingly reserved area. Nobody else was seated where we were. He reached out for my hand across the table, looking into my eyes. I noticed the way his eyes dropped to the bracelet for a split second, almost as if he was unconvinced that it was my 'grandmother's'. The waitress came over and interrupted our little staring session.

"Would you guys like anything to drink?"

"I'll just have water, please." I told her.

"Make that two waters, please." Nathan told her as well.

She jotted the information down quickly on her notepad and gave us a small smile before disappearing back over to the crowded side. Nathan's eyes traveled back to mine.

"I love you, Ariana. I really am sorry for what I did."

His eyes were sparkling with sincerity, and his face was serious. He was running his thumb over my knuckles as I smiled and answered him.

"It's okay, Nathan, really. But as I said, I don't like the way that you acted, and I hope you don't act like a complete douche again. I've never seen that side of you, and it wasn't pretty."

He nodded and brought my hand up to his lips, placing a light kiss on it.

The waitress came back with our water and said asked us what we wanted to order. That was when I remembered that we didn't even look at our menus.

"Can we have two of the chef's pick?" Nathan looked at me and winked, as if knowing I would like it.

"Coming right up!" The waitress tried to sound cheerful.

Nathan was looking at our intertwined fingers with a ghost of a smile on his face.

"I'm happy that you're here." He said, still looking down at our hands.

"I'm happy to be here." I responded, actually meaning it.

Even though he acted up, he seemed genuinely sorry. I leaned over and kissed him. He was surprised at first, but eventually kissed back. We pulled away, and he looked at me, confused.

"What? I can't kiss my boyfriend?" I joked.

He smiled.

"I owed you from yesterday. You know, when I didn't kiss back."

Realization took over his features and a grin appeared on his face.

The rest of the night was great, actually. He cracked a few funny jokes. I also gave him credit for having a great taste in food. My headache finally disappeared. He already dropped me off at the hotel and gave me quite a generous goodbye. We kissed for like a minute before I pulled away and wished him a goodnight.

I'm currently laying in bed, going over the day today in my thoughts. Every once in a while, I'd catch myself smiling at the restaurant date which wasn't half bad. And then there was Harry. Locked up in my brain like a prisoner, only, I wanted to free him from my mind. But, I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried. I started at the ceiling blankly, my hands rested on the rim of the hotel blankets. No amount of counting in my head, or closing my eyes could make me fall asleep. I was doomed and cursed to keep replaying the same thoughts in my head over and over and over again, each time I thought about them again, I thought about them more thoroughly. My thoughts were basically separated into two categories at the moment. Harry and Nathan. There was one big, thick barrier separating the two. My thoughts were difficult to define. The more that I thought, the less that I would find out. If I thought about how I never realized that I'd been writing about Harry until now, I would've gotten no where, because I have no clue as to why I was so oblivious. I tried closing my eyes once more, but ended up opening them again, unable to sleep and doze off into an unpredictable world of peace and countless dreams.


Pulling off an all-nighter wasn't such a great idea. My eyes were already open by the time the sun seeped through the curtains. I looked at the portable clock near the bed and saw that it was 7:03. It was the worst possible time that I started to feel drowsy. My eyes were fighting to stay open and my entire body felt shut off and ready for a deep sleep. I bounced off of the bed before my body had time to protest, and forced my way to the bathroom, stumbling every few seconds due to the wonders of being half asleep. I blinked a couple of times to readjust my vision, and managed to grab my toothbrush. After brushing my teeth and trying as hard as possible to scrub the sleep away from my eyes, I warmed up in the shower. It helped my tiring body. I felt a bit more awake when I stepped out.

I threw on the first things that I found in my suitcase that were made of cloth and hobbled over to the kitchen, still trying to jam my uggs onto my feet. I nearly face-planted onto the hard tiled floors due to the disagreement with my shoes. I probably looked homeless, but I didn't care. I shoved a slice of bread in the surprisingly great hotel toaster. I didn't have any time to make coffee. I ate my buttered bread, grabbed my keys, bag, and phone, and left the suite.

I'd given Sarah the entire week off after battling her to it. She'd deserved it after all. I understood the feeling of wanting spend time with your whole family without feeling stressed or having to leave every five minutes. Simon was more than happy to be the manager-for-the-week.

I looked at the time on my phone when I parked in the arena parking lot.


I was right on time. Today was the day of the concert. I had to be there at eight in the morning for final preparations, sound checks, and last minute rehearsal time. I pushed the door open, almost collapsing at how quickly it swung open. When I composed myself after my misstep, I looked up to see twelve pairs of eyes staring at me. I almost died of embarrassment. Gemma was biting her lip and looking away in order to keep from laughing. The rest of them were just silent as Gemma stifled giggles.

"Well, you look fantastic." Gemma said sarcastically.

"I know. Where's the runway?" I responded, pretending to look for a catwalk.

She let out her giggle and shook her head at me.

"Are you okay, sweetie? You tripped." My mother asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I took a second to realize that our families were here and the show didn't start for another eleven hours, "what are you guys doing here this early?"

"We had a meeting concerning the tour." Simon jumped into the conversation.

I nodded. Our families were welcome to go on the tour with us, so they did. My dad decided to stay home and continue working.

"Come on, sweetie! Let's have our last run before show time." Lydia's cheerful voice pulled me away from my thoughts.

I walked onto the stage, but not before I let my eyes wander to Harry who was laughing at something Gemma said. I grabbed my microphone and began my three extensive, long, seemingly everlasting hours of practice.


-That was Chapter 10!💕

-I hope you liked it!✨

-Ariana's 'runway' outfit on the side!👉

-Please check out my Book Of Ideas!📖

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